
My point was not so much if animals or plants can own something, my point was that if we do not consider them, we will naturally do harm also to our self. Because ultimately we are dependent on them to life a life that can be called complete. Everything in nature has a purpose and its balance. If we remove or reduce some part of it drastically it will affect us. Therefore we should not forget them. For example should nobody have the right to exploit animals or the nature itself. There must always be a balance between taking and giving. If not it end up like cancer destroying the ground it grows on.

Even if animals / plants cannot ¨claim¨ their property (sometimes in away they do, many animals have their district they protect and often they also respect the district of others, even plants have a space they claim through standing on it) we as humans have the responsibility to to do it in their name. Take for example nature reservations. Yea you are true, that one thing really differentiates us, thats the use of money.

But just for imagination, lets assume, that for living in harmony each species on this planets needs a certain space to thrive, why not allocate the money equally to all species according to the space they need to thrive.

Beings able to handle money like humans could take care of the money for beings that are not able to handle money. With that money natural reservates could be financed or incentives for ecological farming / handling of property could be given.

thank you for your feedback, it encouraged me to reflect more in details about the not mentioned to who in your question:

feel free to outline my errors in thinking!

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