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RE: The Expanse's Basic Support vs. Basic Income

I am glad you took the time to look into this and compare the two,
however, I do not agree with your assumptions about basic income,
nor the assumptions about basic.

Basic income will become a tax on all people to pay to the "landlord" class. (and if the FED still exists, then the landlord class will be the banks.)

People on basic income will have few choices about where to live. It will basically be the "landlord" class barios or no where.

More people, with more money, will drive the prices of everything up. And, if you apply rent control, it will make things even more of a slum.

And if you do not believe this will be the case, look into how much of the mortgages the FED owns. At any point, the FED could say, get out of our houses (or pay us back the money) They own it all. They are already working on becoming the "landlord" class, and it is them that are secretly pushing basic income.

So basically, basic and basic income are both very bad things because of what govern-cement will do with such.

For the ruling class, this is a dream come true. A way to control people and destroy productivity. It will make everyone dirt poor and far worse off then they are today.

Further, all the basic income plans are to tax the working people to pay for everyone else. So, we end up destroying the economy from both ends.

In my opinion, it would be better to provide a small room, food and clothing to anyone who asks. You show up, you get a room to sleep in. You show up, you get in line for the cafeteria.


Please take the time to read this other article of mine:

Also, basic income is just basic income. We can fund it in all kinds of ways, including land value taxation. Hell, it doesn't even require taxation at all to fund. To see how I'd fund it, please read this plan:

By the way, free anything destroys the markets for those things. Money to pay for housing is great for those employed by housing. Free housing is not.

I suggest reading more about basic income to become better informed of the applicable evidence.

Also, basic income is just basic income. We can fund it in all kinds of ways

There is only one way to fund it. And that is as I stated in my reply.

Where does food come from? It comes from people who grow or forage for food.

If you give food to people, where does the food come from? There is no magical supply of food you can just print more of. You have to get it from the people that grow it. There is no other place! No matter what you call it. Property tax, income tax, land value tax, it is taken from those who grow it.

free anything destroys the markets for those things

You said it yourself. Free money destroys the market for money.
So, what use will basic income be?

I suggest reading more Austrian economics books. has lots of the best, and many of them are free to download.

Do you know who Friedrich Hayek was? He was Austrian School. Did you know he supported basic income? Do you know why? Look it up.

As for where food comes from. 1.1% of all our national labor goes to food production. It is almost entirely made by technology at this point, with relatively little human labor. It will soon be fully automated, as will a great deal of other labor. What then?

If machines are making our stuff, and the only way to buy their stuff is with money, but money requires outcompeting machines, how does stuff get bought? If stuff can't be bought, why make it?

Markets require money to function. That's how demand signals are sent. Demand is met by supply. The interaction determines what is produced, using what, how much, where, for whom, etc.

Free stuff destroys markets. Money feeds markets. This is actually why food stamps were first created. Handing out free food, literal handouts, were hurting businesses. Buy providing food stamps, people would spend them in markets on what they wanted.

Hayek and Mises are a far cry from Menger and Konkin. Guess which ones took a big, fat check from the Rockefeller Foundation? Wonder if that has anything to do with their dogmatic worship of gold or support of Keynesian stimulus?

The Austrian School is not a monolithic entity.

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