
you're a funny dude :)

You should so read my most recent post "Fact or Fiction - Can Steemit Decide it is about the alien race "The Grey's" that were captured in Roswell, NM in the 1940's.

Going to go read it now. Thanks for the tip.

@barrycooper I can just about guarantee that is a CG model.
BUT - you are correct. Anybody who has ever seen a large metal disc pull in and stop, hover in place for a few seconds, then streak off in an instant leaving only an electric colored (blue-white) line trailing behind it... can assure you you're correct. Myself, My sister, our brand new pregnant sister in-law and a neighbor across the street all saw that exact thing one night in March 1974.
But that clip is animated. Home made in Maya.

The most clear way of knowing this is not a real video is to see how conveniently clear and brief the conversation is, it is a scripted conversation, not the graphics matherly.
Have you ever been in an interrogation room, believe me, interrogations are nothing like this

I'm not so sure psychedelics and extraterrestrials are necessarily separate... this has me thinking about DMT, time travel, and in-folding dimensions.

curled dimensions

Im a firm believer @barrycooper that psychedelics help enormously with healing on all levels. Even micro dosing LSD has great results these days. I can say that it worked brilliantly for me, Ha Ha! And once you wake up, you know aliens exist, even the star families like the Pleaidens and Sirians that don't take on a body anymore are real. Its some far out stuff that most people aren't ready to look at. Great post!

Big love for your support. Micro dosing is becoming very popular for a heals.

So many people say that using mushrooms or other like drugs is completely soul altering and the greatest spiritual experience they ever had. They say the drugs somehow remove the suppression of the stream of consciousness that is what people also call the universal intelligence. What we see here is not real, it is just an illusion, but when someone takes the drugs it lets them directly connect to the oneness and see reality for what it really is. So so so many people have said this after tripping. That after the trip they know everyone is one and it creates a sense of peace the rest of their life.

@drlupo Your comment is so significant, I am editing it into this post. I hope it's okay. I'm giving you the credit. You are exactly correct and deserve to be heard. Look at the post now. Thanks.

Wow thanks #barrycooper . I think it is great you found your footing and are now doing something that is such a good fit for you and so important. Helping folks remove the fear out of their life by connecting with consciences is very commendable. This society is so trained to fear everything and removing the fear is the way we all evolve to the next step. Good job keep being who you really are.

That is pretty well put together video. In may indeed be real. Yet I do a lot with computer imagery, and so does my son and others. Given time I could see something like this being made. When it comes to video seeing is not necessarily believing for me. It MAY be in fact real, but because our skills have reached a level where we can make pretty much any image we want it is virtually impossible to discern a real video from a faked one. If that is faked it is really nice lighting, with some nice cloud particles, and a very nicely textured and modeled alien. Though it is definitely doable.

Now what is most interesting to me is NOT the imagery. It is the words he spoke. They seem very plausible.

EDIT: I do believe in extra terrestrials though. Time travel being their origin is certainly something myself and many others have considered before. Though I am weird. I am a scientist, yet I also believe in ghosts, and in the possibility of many cryptozoological creatures (e.g. bigfoot). So me saying I believe in extra terrestrials likely doesn't mean much because I believe in other things as well. At least until I see EVIDENCE that disproves these things.

Bravo! Exactly what I was trying to communicate. Big love.

You are so stupid I feel sorry for you,
are you the same person that believes @lauralemons stories ?
The words he spoke and the words the interrogator speaks are exactly how you should know
this video is not real, its scripted.
You seem to be from another planet, or a very stupid earthling.

right, so you believe everything you are told until you see EVIDENCE that disproves it?
Again, you are a fucking idiot, the scientific method works the other way,
you dont believe in anything until you see evidence that proves it.
You are not a scientist, you are a dogmatic fool, just like a religious person.
Remember, compassion AND evidence.

Upvoted even though my son laughed at the alien interview which he observed as being conveniently dark.
Also, if you're interviewing an alien aren't you going to make one of your questions "so what is your sexual fantasy?"

Hahahaha. I thought the same thing! I asked one of my ex wives the same question and that's probably why she is my ex. lol.

thats not the obvious sign the video is fake, the scripted nature of the dialog is,
no interrogation is like this.

proofreading "from plan(e)t Nibiru"

Nibiru is just beyond Pluto. NASA has confirmed it's existence. It's the planet of the "Annunaki."

Planet X FTW!

The 12th Planet hidden by NASA for many years , based on ancient Sumerian text , our creators came from there .
I really enjoyed reading this article Barry

Yes barry, but it says plant, not planet

@feminism I see it now. Thanks for editing for me. Correction made! Big love to you!

If you think that's real, you might want to give the drugs a rest.

Do you agree the message is true @laconicflow? If you don't, then you might want to start using drugs. lol. Peace and love to you and thanks for commenting.

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