I cried real tears in this video because I'm a sensitive person

in #barrycooper8 years ago

Dear Steemit Fans, In this video I start crying because I am a very sensitive person. I have always been sensitive. As a child, I remember not being able to control my tears. My elementary school teachers conferenced with my parents on many occasions because they could not understand why I cried so much. This trait continued through high school. I was famous for crying during football games as I played linebacker with all my heart. My tears are usually a symptom of passion. I play with passion and lots of it. I always have and always will.

I chose to post this video because I want my Steemit fans to learn who I am and what makes me tick. I posted this video almost one year ago. This is one of the first videos I posted after remaining a recluse for four years when I fled the United States to save my life. When I published this video, I was also troubled from a recent divorce. The six years prior to this video were the worst years of my life and I almost didn't make it.

I am very happy now and all is good so no worries. In fact, I am happier than I have ever been and appreciate every moment of my life. If you want to get to know me better, this is the video to watch.

Thanks for giving me all the upvotes and for following me. Thanks for all your wonderful comments and love you show me. I am sincerely grateful.

Big Hug,



Glad you are out of the States. I have been gone over 15 years - living tax free for 4 years! I no longer have a legal obligation because I don't use dollars. Digital currency helps us step out of the system and get free.

Beautiful sponge bob. Glad you made it!

Thanks for letting us in Barry.
Here's an upvote hug. :D

I still think you're one awesome crybaby.!

  • Keep doing your shit Barry. It fills me with joy, when it helps innocent people, to not get busted for victimless "crimes". <3

ha! thanks mistowed. puff puff pass.

I shall light a big one for you tonight my man.

Keep it real, as always. Much appreciated.

Sure thing naquoya! Hippie love to you.

When the tears only seem to make you stronger.

Yep. I'm glad you understand katyakov

I am more sensitive than I'd like to admit too! The world would be better if we felt more for others!

Thank you for sharing this with us. <3

tears sometimes show a mans strength and character

Thanks sisterholics. Really. Thanks.

Yeah, tears are a sign of internal strength, not weakness. A sign of empathy and compassion. Would you want to be like the Psychopaths/Sociopaths who run the institutions? Beings who don't know how or what it is to relate to others of their own species? Who despise all creators, innovators, dreamers and artists. Anyone different to them. Anyone who cannot be controlled by their Rhetoric. Anyone who wakes up.
Cry on bro.

I went through the hardest time of my life last year (2015). I lost everything, including friends I thought would be there. Before this time I thought to myself. it's been so long since I have cried, I really don't even think I can. Well 2015 came along and I cried for a month straight, I mean really cried. This, along with true friends, family and pets, helped me heal when I thought that I didn't want to go on with my life. Great post and good subject matter.

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