Ex-narc Barry Cooper is recorded cursing, scolding, and berating police during his arrest for busting cops

in #barrycooper7 years ago (edited)

Soon my teenage daughter and I would be forced to watch our home being raided while my wife and autistic son were unaware of the approaching terror. I was under arrest and being transported to my house in a police cruiser.

A hidden recorder captured the eight-minute verbal lashing I gave to the arresting detective. You can hear this excerpt and more in the video posted below:

"I'm going to fuck you over real hard if you scare my family. You guys are crazy and I don't respect you for doing this. In fact, I hate you. What's sick about this is you think it's right. You deserve a 'fuck you' because I'm in handcuffs. I'm a civil disobedient mother fucker."

We were stopped by the Williamson County Texas Sheriff's Department while en route to give a lecture at the University of Texas in Austin.

The bust happened five days after I posted a youtube video of a deputy stealing drug money during one of my KopBuster Stings.

The police retaliation continued for over a year. My former wife and I suffered five additional arrests and my Autistic son was removed from our custody. I constantly received death threats from American police and unfairly lost every court proceeding.

I fled to Venezuela with my family after hackers made public an FBI report that gave police permission to conspire against me.

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My son did not have a passport so we lived with the constant fear of being arrested for Parental Kidnapping. We were forced to flee Venezuela when a gang plotted to murder me after I knocked two of them out during a brutal fight.

We miraculously snuck through thirteen checkpoints before reaching the Brazilian border where we were accepted as the first refugees from the United States. I still have my refugee card.

We stayed hidden by living in over twenty different locations until we finally won full custody of our son. This cleared the path for us to move to Mexico.

After two years, my wife unexpectedly left me and returned to the U.S. with my son. I lost everything but my karma for being a drug cop was settled.

I am remarried and am living in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico where I transformed myself from a fighter to a healer. I founded a treatment center for the millions of beautiful humans who suffer from addictions, cravings, depression and PTSD.

A big crying hug to all my fans. Thanks for supporting me, loving me, and never forgetting about me. There is no way I could have made it without you.

Peace, Love, TripToWellness, and NeverGetBusted,

Your Servant,

Barry Cooper



You exposed the corruption in Law Enforcement.

Barry you are a hero to many of us for speaking the truth.

I'm truly humbled and grateful to have you as a fan. Peace and love.

Keep up the good fight brother, glad they haven't been able to cage you yet. At least not for long. I really hope you are being very careful, as these criminals likey wish, and intend, to do you and yours harm. Stay safe.

Thanks for the sincere concern. I feel your love @rball8970

Speaking truth to "power" is often very dangerous. Thank you for you story & the courage to tell it...much love brotha'!

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