Philippe Coutinho - first training with Barcelona. 5 thinks to know.

in #barcelona6 years ago

1 - He's earning standing ovations already
Barca's famous "Mes que un club" saying might grate with some, but their friendly welcome for Coutinho showed that they do always look after their own - even the newest ones.

The Brazilian got a round of applause from Lionel Messi and the rest of his Barca teammates on his first day of real work with them.
His next task will be to earn the same from the supporters.

2- Learning the Hard Way
Barca are famous for their "Rondo" drills during training sessions, and Coutinho was pitted straight into the action as he was placed as the "piggy in the middle" trying to get the ball back.

Eager to impress, he tried and tried to get the ball back but to no avail.

It was probably a bit easier to do this at Liverpool when they had Aly Cissokho and Iago Aspas.

3- You're a long way from Liverpool, Philippe
And speaking of Liverpool, if Coutinho was in any doubt about where he was now then the amount of scarves and snoods on show from the Barcelona players must have made that apparent.

While the man used to the Merseyside cold sported just a training top and shorts, the likes of Gerard Pique and Suarez - who left the Merseyside cold long ago - were wrapping up warm to protect against the elements.

4 - Erm, hang on, isn't he supposed to be injured?

Coutinho wasn't supposed to be ready to make his Barca debut until towards the end of the month, but given just how sprightly he looked in training then could he be set to make a shock appearance at Betis?

5 - Keeping eye on new guy

As with any job, it's always handy if you know someone who's there already, and Coutinho has got Luis Suarez in his corner having played with him for a year-and-a-half at Liverpool.

The two have remained firm friends ever since - with Suarez even helping Coutinho out by buying a house for him before his move - and the Uruguayan was seen keeping an eye on his fellow South American as he emerged Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper for the first time.Coutinho-trains-with-Barcelona-teammates-for-the-first-time.jpg

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