La Pedrera was to be the house of the Virgin Mary.

in #barcelona7 years ago


That in the last years of his life Gaudí was a very religious man he is well known, but that this deep feeling he wanted to show his architectural work, at first glance, is difficult to see. When in 1906 he was commissioned by the Milan to build his impressive house in the heart of Passeig de Gràcia he wanted to leave a good demonstration.


If the house was conceived as a mountain, this was nothing but a great footprint for an image of the virgin. The façade project that was presented to the City Hall in 1906 can be seen as the central part showing a relief of the Virgin with Jesus in the arms


Però sembla que Gaudí va repensar la seva idea original i va anar més enllà. Així va pensar que la casa fos coronada per un grup escultòric més complex en el qual la Verge, amb el nen Jesús als braços, tenia als seus peus els arcàngels Miquel, amb l’espasa, i Gabriel, amb el lliri a la mà. La idea de Gaudí la concretaria l’escultor Carles Mani. Primer es va fer un model en fang d’escala 1:10 i més tard una de nova a tamany natural en guix que havia de donar pas a l’obra definitiva que havia de fer-se de pedra, amb elements metàl·lics i de vidre. En total havia de tenir uns quatre metres d’alçada.

The set should be the most impressive: a kind of great chapel like those that filled the streets of the old city, a love song to the mother of God.

But as things do not always come out as planned, even if the planner is a very important architect. The work can not be achieved since the owners of the building did not deem it appropriate. There is unanimity in considering that the motive for which this holy crowning was rejected was the Tragic Week in July 1909 when Barcelona became the burned city when religious buildings began to burn overnight . This made sure that they would make Milan go back. Surely this fact would eventually ruin the relations between the architect and his clients, in such a way that Gaudí ends up abandoning the work and goes to trial against the Milan, asking for its schedules, 105,000 pesetas, which would end up yielding to the Jesuits .

Finally in the place where there should be the great statue of the Virgin and the powerful archangels there is a discreet pink and the initial of the name of Maria. This reason seems to clarify that the invocation of the Virgin of the building was the one of the Roser, onomástica of the proprietor, and not the one of Gràcia, employer of the old city in honor to which there was a right chapel where now s 'builds the Gaudinian construction.

187.5 roser.jpg

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