Inside this miserable financial crisis that plagued Greece , a fellow steemian needs our help

in #bank-wars7 years ago (edited)

Two days ago a fellow steemian from the Greek community contact me looking for some help , and i came up with the idea of setting a house rescue fund on his behalf , all the payout of this post will go to him and ill match the SP from my own account @Rouketas , since it is a 50% /50% post, i have mark out the names and the ID numbers from the court papers to keep the anonymity & i have in my possession a copy of these , if you send SBD or STEEM please make a note on the memo "bank-war"

And this is how it goes

In 2006 we decided to buy a house, Our financial situation was good enough to be able to have a quality of life and at the same time be able to be part of our obligations.

We made the contract with the bank that we decided to get the loan and the first was a fixed interest rate.
In one year, the fixed interest rate expired, and to our surprise, the installment was almost doubled.
In 2007 in consultation with the bank we originally had, we asked to give us a solution that did not exist at all.
We decided with great stress to change a bank so we can find better rates and all we were forced to do was go to the Swiss franc.

Without much choice, we converted the loan from EUR to Swiss franc as it did in a new bank, Completely blackmailing this bank has forced us to preach yet another house of our property.
Essentially bank has kept as a waranty three dwellings whose price was more than 450000 euros.
I continued to pay the mortage in 2008 as well because it was quite low and we reached 2009 where a problem with the bank has arisen because the installments fixed were divided into 3 pieces.

Although we normally paid our payments, because the payroll was on different days in the month, the banking system did not recognize all the deposits that took place in the calendar month, but only those based on the days predetermined by the bank.

The result was that after 8 months the bank announced that we were 5 installments overdue.
We were shocked because it was the time when there was a problem with my payroll payments from the company I was working on.

We talked to the bank and they "offered" the solution to the recapitalization of the amount we had paid until then and we made a new contract.

At the end of 2009, I decided to sell my parents house, which was pre-matched to repay a big deal in the bank.
I gave 1/3 of the loan in this way and went down quite a bit.
After this amount has been paid and at the end of 2010 we discover that the amount of the loan is so large that it seems we have never paid that amount.

The loan was then after the payment I made with the sale of the house at 200,000 and after 2-3 months due to the exchange rate of Swiss franc and Euro launched the price to 350000.
It was something outrageous.
Our daily routine changed ... it became a nightmare, trying to pay the bank with every money we could ...
Over there ... in June 2011 I was fired from work.
At that time starts the hunt of collecting companies, the nightmare of the phone and the need to find a job that was not enough for survival.

At some point, someone called us from Athens headquarters to offer us a "solution" suggested that we pay 20 euro a month to be active and do not hunt for us.
And so we went to the bank where there was a bigger surprise ...
Where the store director told us... you were coming to sign what you agreed with the Athens headquarters ...
And the paper said we have to pay 180 euros per month and give at the same time close to 1000 euros as a down payment.

Of course I became furious, I did not even have food for my family and power service cut off at home.
I started yelling to to the bank director that they were scammers and whenever I find money I will drive them to court for fraud.
After that, the bank sent us an official order to pay the full amount these days, that is after 4 years.

Inside this miserable financial crisis that plagued Greece the court outlets for these cases have grown so much that no one can defend themselves against the robbery they receive from banks.

At this time, we need EUR 2600 to stop the law activities of bank against us and our property.
It is the moment of the essential struggle for life and freedom against the banks and the slavery they want to impose.
We are not able to pick up these money in such a short time until Dec 16th or find them anyway because we are all financially undermined or at least our own circle of people is like that.

We wish to thank the community of steemit and @Greek-trail that enables us to seek help through it, that is, from you.


Θυμάμαι κατά την διάρκεια των σπουδών μου όταν σε ένα μάθημα κάναμε υπολογισμούς απόσβεσης μιας επένδυσης που προερχόταν από δάνειο τραπέζης ο καθηγητής οργισμένος φώναζε ότι έξω από κάθε τράπεζα δεν θα έπρεπε να γράφει 'ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ' αλλά 'ΛΗΣΤΑΡΧΕΙΟ'!!!
Εύχομαι να πάνε όλα καλά!

that is just bad, hope it gets resolved the soonest and he achieves the needed funds! @trumpman nice of you sharing this as well

And thanks for supporting, hopefully the magic of internet will be of some help :)

I want to help. My problem is that I do not know how to transfer funds. Could you please check my blog, see what my balances are and then send me (maybe on chat?) instructions as to how and where I transfer funds. Please also suggest the max I can give without setting me too far back in my ability to behave as a Steemian (remember, my role as Greek and friend comes first).

I hope you will help me do this. Thanks.

Now we come to the less pleasant points I must make.

Please pass this on: Your first mistake, as happens with most Greeks, you thought you were capable of dealing with professionals on an even basis. They have a history of beating down people like you and stealing their properties. Having a fight with them was very unwise. You would have been better off employing either an accountant or an attorney (I don't think there are any good financial advisors, as such, in Greece). Maybe it is time you do so now. It will cost a bit more, but at least you won't find yourself worse off again and again.

I had a bank, in Greece, conspire with another bank and they took from me a large amount. The court case was the next morning and I found a real poniros attorney in Piraeus at almost midnight. We appeared at the court and he, as if he was just doing the right thing, warned them that he is going after both banks and the managers for conspiring to take my money (in law, conspiracy is worse than theft).

The one manager wanted to fight it out, but the other had visions of his career being destroyed and he arranged to transfer the money to me - instead of the other bank. Despite this, the judges were very stern with both banks.

A good attorney can help, but make certain you first agree what they will charge you - maybe you can make an arrangement to pay them off over 3 months?

Sorry, this is the 2nd message

I just realise, almost all money I have is in Steem Power - if I recall correctly, it cannot be withdrawn for 3 weeks?

If I'm right, any ideas? I had wanted to send about E100.

Thank you man for bring in that to our attention. I was speaking at skype with them not 30 minutes ago.

I am sure we will make this happen.

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