How to Use Bancor?

in #bancor4 years ago


What is Bancor?
Bancor is an on-chain liquidity protocol that enables automated, decentralized exchange on the Ethereum and EOS blockchains.

How to swap in Bancor?
1.Connect Bancor to your Huobi wallet. Enter ‘Swap’, select a coin to swap to and from, enter a proper amount. Below you will see estimated sum you will get and price impact. Tap ‘Continue’.


2.Check the details and confirm you are not a US citizen. Tap ‘Confirm’. Confirm the transaction in your wallet.


How to provide liquidity in Bnacor?
1.Enter Pool and tap ‘Join a pool’.


2.Select a pool to add liquidity to, choose the token to provide and enter desired amount. Check details and click ‘Supply’. Confirm transaction in your wallet.


*Please pay attention that every financial operation and decision has a potential investment risk, when making an investment think carefully, do not take any impulsive decision.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64690.76
ETH 3423.64
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51