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RE: Let me tell you a story.

in #bananafish5 years ago

I love your hollow earth hide away, a place for those who are lost, broken, but just want to live in peace and harmony. It feels like there is a depth here, that the world chews and spits people up, but I just adore the image you have here of the earth hiding her soul in this hollow, and offering a sanctuary there. There is a lot of depth to this one, and the more i dwell on it the more i can feel.

There are notes of alice in wonderland, and childhood tainted, polluted and not what it was thought or hoped to be, or escape that seemed both so easy to take, but so overwhelmingly impossible to seize. It leads into hints of domestic life, of responsibility, both joyful and wearing. And this line

No tree full of apples begging them to give a hand.

Combined with the image you have chosen. There is a lot to reflect on here about how we think we know whats best for nature and can impose our will on it without understanding, in the same sense as the tree never asks to be shaken. The way you tie into a fairy tale, and how life doesn’t end up like that, and the phrase you then set around hollow earth brings a new tone to the hollow aspect. The emphasis at the end on those who take, against the person telling the poem from a position of having observed, its a very nice way of framing this that gives the reader a sense of reflection. I really enjoyed this, thank you very much dear @wakeupkitty <3

(Also, love the title <3<3 - no one has ever done that before!)


Thank you very much for reading my tale but most of all taking the time commenting it. I really appreciate you found parts important to me, to tell, which you hope a reader will find or recognize.

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