My photography - A forest farm (original)

in #bamboo8 years ago (edited)

In China, there is no bamboo in many places,In the north you probably do not have the opportunity to see them. Many people may not know the purpose of the bamboo, I drove through a bamboo processing plant and took these photos, The Chinese eat chopsticks is Bamboo made, the toothpicks are made of bamboo, bamboo barbecue with bamboo is also done with bamboo, the bamboo to the acquisition, the use of fire processing straightening, they sent to the processing plant, a bamboo at the source price Is currently 2 yuan, the growth and reproduction of bamboo is very fast, so do not worry about the cut will affect the ecological environment, to spring, will grow back, together to enjoy!


在中国许多地方没有竹子,在北方也许你们很少机会见到这些毛竹,许多人可能不知道竹子的用途,我开车路过一家竹子加工厂,拍了这些照片,中国人吃的快筷子就是用这个毛竹做的,牙签也是毛竹做的,还有烧烤用的竹子也是用毛竹做的, 这些竹子收购来后,用火加工拉直后,就送往加工厂处理,一棵竹子在源头的售价目前是2元, 竹子的生长繁殖非常快,所以不用担心砍了会影响生态环境,到了春天,又会重新长出来,一起来欣赏

Hope you like!

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