life record生活记录

in #balancelast month

Today was not going well. I took a few black workers to pull iron shelves. There was some dirt on the road. The workers pulled the ox and wanted to rush over. Unexpectedly, the iron shelf became unstable and fell, smashing one worker's arm. Although it was not my fault, it was my fault after all, and I felt very unhappy.
During the afternoon break, I wanted to go out and do some meritorious deeds, but unexpectedly it didn't go well either. There was only one water inlet by the lake, and there were black villagers swimming by the lake, so I had no choice but to come back.
It seems that the karma is very heavy and the obstacles to doing meritorious deeds are great. We can only tell if we have a chance, as to how long we can stay here. I can only say, just cultivate blessings and not worry about the future. What can't be solved, leave it to balance.

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