Why it is super important to do what you love..

in #balance5 years ago


Why it is super important to do what you love..
Go to the profile of Yanna Fotopoulou
Yanna Fotopoulou
Jul 24, 2017

Last night, just before I go to sleep, I began thinking. And then I was thinking some more. And then immediately you all came into my mind. And I knew I had to share my thoughts.

The situation was remarkable.

I was really tired. I literally felt my body “telling” me: I can’t take it any longer, I need to sleep now.

Yet, I was so happy.

It was a sweet tiredness; because I had spent the whole day doing what I love. And at that particular moment, all I was thinking about is how I can’t wait to go to sleep; so I can wake up the next day, go to my office, get together with the team, move on with our projects.

It was not always like that…

Thus far, in my professional life, I was found in many different places:

  • I have been unemployed

  • I have been to 2–3 jobs that I didn’t like… [not because of my ex bosses or the environment, all these were fine], but simply because they were not the right jobs for me.

Those jobs were not what I’m meant to do; they were not what I came here for.
What I realize now is that WHEN YOU DO SOMETHING THAT YOU LOVE, you end up being more successful and way more fulfilled. And believe me when I say it; YOU END UP MAKING MORE MONEY.

Why? Because as I always say:

If you want to make more money you need to be someone of a greater value.
And you can only be that someone of greater value if you love what you do. If you are in love with your job and you’re happy going to the office every single day.

Even those days that you feel numb or bored or you feel like staying at home. At those days, you go to your office because you love it; because it’s who you are; because it’s what you’re meant to do; what you are meant to be.

And then magically you become someone of a greater value because you love your daily life; and even though we tend to forget, our job is a great part of our daily routine.

And if you love your daily routine, then everything gets easier.
Trust me, I know how it feels to constantly be in a state of uncertainty. I sure know how scary it is to think that if you leave your 9–5 job to pursue your dreams you will somehow end up being miserable or to make matters worse you will end up being hungry or homeless. You feel like it’s going to be the end of the world and everything in your reality will collapse. Of course let’s not forget the terrifying thought of what your parents, your partner or your friends will say? What will society say?

And you know what? I am not advising you to leave your morning job. No! I know certainty is a basic human need. We all need it. And it is good to have it.
Yet, if there is something that you wish to do, just give it a go. Just give it a try, just promise me that today or tomorrow you’ll find an hour or two to do what you love, to do what you feel is the right thing for you.

You don’t need to leave your morning job; you can do it simultaneously. Stay safe and sane, give your afternoons to this new endeavor and slowly start becoming an entrepreneur.
Believe me, you will end up making more money. Maybe not at first; maybe not in the beginning, but eventually you will. And you will end up being happier.

Plus, in case you are scared I’m always here. You can find me, reads tips on “How to market anything”, “How to find your first client” or “How to create content for what you are about to do”. You can ask me even more specific questions (the place to do that would most likely be Instagram since I am always there)

So, don’t be afraid! You’re going to make it! Just jump as we said in the previous article. Once you jump there is no way back baby!
And remember you will succeed If and only if you are true to yourself; you are happy with what you do and you are the best version of you you can be every day that passes.

Of course press the heart if you enjoyed the article so that more people can see it and decide to make their first step!

Thank you for your time. Always



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If do what you love, you will actually enjoy the work rather than endure it.

Exactly we shouldn't be afraid to follow our dreams and have a job that will make us get out of bed every day!! I hope you are doing what you love!!!

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