How to Lose Customers! Don't do business with Legacy Research Group!

in #badbusiness6 years ago

Don't do business with Legacy Research Group (including Casey Research, Palm Beach Research, and others)!

My email to them just now:


I want to contact you about your spammy, slimy, high-pressure upselling techniques.

A couple years back I started with subscriptions to Casey Report and got upsold to Crisis Investing. I think that Casey's team has some good advice, but the constant email annoyances were terrible. You guys have been absolutely the worst on the sheer volume of email that you send.

However, when I heard Palm Beach was going to offer crypto advice, I signed up for the Palm Beach Letter. Then, of course, I realized that the Letter wasn't really offering anything of value and I would have to get Teeka's Palm Beach Confidential to get the REAL advice. I chose to accept the upsell. Teeka's recommendations haven't done anything for me, but now you want me to buy the REAL REAL advice via yet another upsell! The nerve!!

Thankfully I don't get any email from any of the Legacy Research firms at present. What relief! However, your guy Spencer at Palm Beach left a couple messages for me about my account. I thought it might actually be important, so I called him back today. Only to get a high-pressure sales call on Teeka's REAL REAL stuff. You have a recording, somewhere, so be sure to check it out. It's funny that he insists that it's not a sales call when it clearly is.

It's pretty awful how you treat your customers who have paid you thousands of dollars for your services. As these subscriptions wrap up I'll be canceling each and every one of them. Other people offer advice from an Austrian viewpoint, and I'm willing to bet that they don't treat paying customers as poorly as the Legacy Research Group does.

Simply stated: It doesn't matter if the advice is good, if you are going to bombard a paying customer with bullshit upsells. Especially when these upsells appear to be for something that we've already paid for. It is evident that you are not interested in serving the customer. Only yourselves.

...OK, let me see about getting this out into some social media platforms after I hit SEND...


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