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RE: "The Benevolent Dragon" ~ Inspired By The 5-Minute Freewrite (The 56-Minute Version) ~ Original Short(ish) Story ~

Haha if this was a five minute write Im a dragonrider! Congrats on the Blocktrades, curie AND ocd on this one... well deserved! A VERY entertaining and suspenseful read. I enjoyed it muchly. Irs to your credit i read beyond three paragraphs as theres too much to read here so I often get impatient and move on. This was worth reading EVERY word.

Posted using Partiko Android


Thanks, glad you enjoyed the little romp through thriftland, even in all it's long winded -ness. My Freewrites keep getting longer and longer. I have a 28 Minute version and now the 56 Minute. Sometimes it's hard to stop, when the mind gets cranking along. I just tell that little clock to buzz off and continue on.
So glad you made your way through this one to the end. I do realize...I often write a ton load, probably TOO often, but have decided this site for me is about learning what I'm doing writing and then practicing, so hopefully the occasional folk do stay and read. And it looks like you are an occasional folk today. Thanks for that, muchly appreciated. (Though I'm still waiting for someone to get the Sid and Marty reference. It's probably too ancient TV history.)

I feel very lucky to have gotten so many responses from all these groups. Amazing, actually. I greatly appreciate their support.
BTW, what does Irs mean? I'm so clueless on these things. I still have a 1910 Model flip phone, and Steemit is the only place I mess about on the Interweb. But what a place! Love it here. Thanks for the reply, and have a nice night. Stay warm, (from your other comment.) Looks like fun. I I just realized you are probably reading this on a phone, in the van, and now hollering to the trees, "good grief, this guy is a windbag-my battery CANNA TAKE IT ANY LONGER!" Cheers

Hilarious. Nope you have a new friend. And THAT was just because you used word succinct in your bio!! Where are you based?


Posted using Partiko Android

Succinctality is not a trait I'm overly familiar with. But I'm glad it got me a new friend.
That is always nice, and one of the best parts of Steemit. Friends from all over the globe. I'm based in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. Been here many a year, and love it.

As for irs, that was in your comment, and probably was a big finger typo on a tiny keyboard in the chill air, (no, I'm not calling your fingers 'unthin'). I just figured it was some sort of clever internet wordism, that I am unfamiliar with, like In RetroSpect, or I Royally Suspect (I even had a short discussion with Google, and all they told me about was the IRS of April 15th. I knew THAT wasn't it). Looking way back up there, I think it was just It's, without the capitol, necessary garnish, etc, so a large nevermind is in order.

Wow, that was a lot of writing, to say very little of much here.
Probably NO battery left now...

Oh! You sound English. That could be, of course, because you appear to have a vocabulary - no slur against Americans at all, and I can't talk because I'm Australian! And all typos must be forgiven, because it takes to long to.. wwait... my battery is d

Posted using Partiko Android

Ha haa, love it. And I'm not English, just know a bit of it, and watched my share of Benny Hill reruns when in the woods. (Should I admit that...?) And certainly enjoy cramming bunches of those words together on the electronic page, every now and then.

As for the other, not a problem either. I'm not always enamored of what goes on here on many scales. Language is the least of my worries. Though being a 'stralian, you have the market on classic language and take on life. Always wanted to be one of youse guys or gals. Well, I hope your battery is now charged, and the van still goes afterwards, and all is going great in the wood. ( I can't make that funny battery thing here, as this is a big old mondo box on my desk, with even mondo'er screen. But I LOVE it. Faster than a Crisco'd Gerbil in a benefit rodent grab.

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