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RE: VOP Enters Their Six Month Of Success As They Prove We Can Fight Back Through A Spirit Of Voluntary Cooperation

Thank you so much for your support. My greatest fear is they will be able to throw so much crap at them as they create new fake sensational outrages that people will move on. This is one of the most horrible systems they run against us, and we can't let them move us off of this. It shows so clearly how deep up the ladder this system of oppression and brutality is against us. They believe they own us and act on that belief with for the most part impunity and the time for it to end has long since passed.


I couldn't agree more, we need to keep the pressure on.

Are you on twitter @practicalthought? I would like to show you that your article has been shared by VOP.

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No, I don't have a Twitter account. I gave up social media run by the evil players some time ago. Thanks for letting me know that they shared this. I see you invited them to join Steemit. You may want to reach out as well to Paul Flores, the independent journalist who is being persecuted for covering all of this. I posted his twitter link in the article and he would be a great addition here as he already has a YouTube feed for his videos as well as his Twitter feed. He already produces the material and takes the time to share it.

I posted two of his videos early on when I started covering this, but noticed after the second time he was saying he did not want any mirrors and would file take down notices if you clicked the drop down button for more info. While it is true that he forfeits that right according to YouTube rules, I respect his desire to retain his work and have been reluctant to try to reach him through VOP channels for permission so have sought my videos elsewhere (such as that Luciferian woman who is dumb enough to share the videos that expose the truth that shows she is a POS). I also have much sympathy for his current plight as they are trying to railroad him into prison now with Lewis for his covering this, and maybe he could use the rewards for an attorney in his upcoming trial.

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