Adventure Miami

in #backpacking8 years ago

Hello my name is Thomas Podlubny i am from Germany and today I will tell you all about my trip to Miami with a stop in Vegas and couple days Bahamas.

It was regular day me and my friend Andreas where planing our next vacation. Thailand, Brazil, China... we tried to figure out what the best place to go would be. Suddenly Andreas said spring break begins in the USA soon and not even 5min later we already had our flight tickets to Miami booked a apartment in Miami Beach on

Day 1
Arriving in Miami-
After a long flight with an emergency stop in Island, because of a man getting a heart attack we arrived in Miami at 9pm. From the Airport we took a shuttle to our apartment in Miami Beach. It was late and we were tiered so we didn't want to do anything big, but because we where hungry and our apartment was right next to ocean drive we decided to go grab some Burgers. 30min later Andreas and me where back in the apartment with food, water and weed. Everything we needed to kick back and let the day end perfectly.

Day 2
Exploring Miami Beach-
At 8 in the morning Andreas woke me up. The weather was nice, I was excited to start our journey. After a breakfast at Ocean Drive we finaly went to the beach. It was the biggest beach i have seen in my life to get to the water took us about 5 min of walk but it was very beautiful and we spend the whole day sun bathing, swimming in the sea and drinking coconut water, knowing that Spring Break will start soon with a lot of crazy parties, music week and the Sony Ultra festival :)

Day 3
Going Down Town
After spending the previous day at the beach we where eager to check out Miami Downtown. With every hour Andreas and I spend in Miami we fall more and more in love with it. The architecture was amazing, the people where nice and the weather was hot not to speak of the food.

Day 4
Grocery Shopping
Our first couple days in Miami have past and we already had a good overview whats going on in the City. Also we realized how much money we where spending on food ( about 80$ a day per person) and that we wont survive if we keep going like this and only eat in restaurants. To find a grocery shop in Miami Beach was no easy task but some how we managed it. The rest of the day we spend at the beach walking the promenade and visiting the houses of the rich and famous (from far away of course :)

Day 5
Go Everglades
One day before official spring break started we wanted to do some tourist stuff so we decided to visit the Everglades. I often have seen it on Tv and always wanted to experience it my self and now nothing could stop me. Sadly we saw only one Alligator but the boat ride was a lot of fun and I can recommend it to everyone who is not afraid of speed and the possibility being eaten by a predator :D

Day 6
Spring Break Madness
From one day to another Andreas and I understood what Spring Break is all about. Suddenly the beach was full of people everyone was parting, dancing and happy about vacation. Everywhere we went was music playing and people from all over the world and especially from all over the USA where coming together to celebrate their freedom.

Day 7
Going to Benny Benassi
Spring Break started, the parties where heating up and the best Dj´s from around the Globe where coming together. Benny Benassi is a hero of my childhood and I would never thought that some day I will be standing in front of him in a club. It was a wild night I will never forget!

Day 8
Trip to Las Vegas
My cousin Jesse lives in Vegas and what would be better occasion to come visit him than his birthday. So after a long party night with we had booked a flight to Vegas and told Jesse we are coming. Right after we landed he picked us up and we drove to the strip. Because of our long Night and the Flight this day ended very calm and quiet.

Day 9-10
Chillaxing in Las Vegas
These days where very calming we did not do a lot of sightseeing as Andreas and I have already been to Vegas. Jesses Birthday was coming and he was preparing a home party wich would be tomorrow.

Day 11 -12
Jesses Birthday and Clubbing at the MGM Grand
Our last two days we spend parting in Vegas Jesse prepared a home party where I meet a lot of new people and some very Old friends I havent seen since my internship in Vegas 6 years ago. It was a lot of fun and we all had a very good time sadly Andreas and I had go back to Miami after this.

Day 13
Going Back to Miami
On our Flight back we met two new friends in the airplane we ended up having breakfast in Miami Beach after we landed. Knowing that Music Week just started we where excited to go to see Dimitri Vegas and Like Mike and visit the Ultra Music Festival.

Day 14
Enjoying Miami
This day went to downtown once again took a taxi boat and bought tickets for the Ultra Festival from a guy in a shoe store. All the tickets wehere sold out a long time ago so we had to search a while until we found some one we could trust who will sell us real tickets. Lucky it worked out well.

Day 15
Dimitri Vegas and Like Mike
Who wouldnt like to go to a party that is featuring the worlds best Dj :) This day we hang out at the beach and in the evening we where preparing our selfs to go out and have a good time. The Icon is one of the most amazing clubs I personally have been to and it was worth the 70$ tickets we had to pay.

Day 16
The Day Before Ultra Festival
So with parties on every corner of Miami Beach it was hard not to be in a good mood. On day 16 Andreas and I where walking around the City and just enjoying our selfs. We saw a lot of nice cars met beautiful ladies and some interesting people.

Day 17
Sony Ultra Festival
This was one of the most amazing days of our vacation. The worlds best Dj´s a lot of crazy people good vibes and a lot of fun :) I cant describe this experience with words just see your self.

Day 18
Party with our new friends
The day after the festival was very calm we were exhausted and needed to rest so we spend it at the beach. Some one told us that it is possible to take a fairy to the Bahamas so in our apartment we where looking for cheap tickets and a hotel. Later that day our new friends from the airport called us to go party and we couldnt say no :)

Day 19
Finding our way to the Bahamas
This day was all about finding tickets for a fairy to the Bahamas. We wehere looking all day surfing the internet and walking from travel office to travel office. Finally we got a good deal for a 5 Star Resort on Grand Bahamas which would start the next day.

Day 20 - 26
Relaxing at the Bahama Grand Resort
The Bahamas where the perfect place to calm down after our crazy party tour in Miami and Vegas and than Miami again. A nice Beach, good food, free drinks and good weather was all we wanted. The Resort was all inclusive had a Gym and several pools. We met two very nice Russian girls from San Francisco and a lot of cool people from the Dominican Republic. This was the perfect way to prepare our selfs to go back to Germany soon.

Day 27 - 30
Last Days
After we returned back to Miami we decided to stay at the Intercontinental Spa Hotel in Downtown. These 3 days where like a cherry on top of a delicious pice of cake. The Intercontinental is the best hotel I have ever stayed in with a rooftop Pool and Garden + running track a saune, room service and a apartment in the 68th floor we didnt want to leave ever again.

The End
Unfortunately all good things come to an end and returning reality was hard :(

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