Follow Me to the River in Kazakhstan - Flüsschen in Kasachstan!

in #backpacking7 years ago


Hey Guys! I'm back in Germany! I have traveled around in Kazakhstan. I love to share memories with other people but I do love also to listen to the memories of other people, it is super exciting for me! During my hike in the mountains in Kazakhstan, I enjoyed a relaxing break. Oh, I think photos are one of the best memories, too ! Back to the hike :) It was very hot, I wanted to explore the area to the deepest inside: P By a coincidence I saw a river, it was extremely cold. The place gave me at the same time a lot of shadow. The sound of the water and the sitting on the tiny bridge made this place for me a relaxing oasis and the drinking water was quenching my thirst. How practical!

Peaceful encounters with ourselves can make us as happy in life as exciting and unusual encounters with many people around us! Do you agree?

See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3

deutsch / same post in german


Hallo! Ich bin wieder zurück in Deutschland! Kasachstan habe ich bereist, dabei liebe ich meine Erinnerungen mit anderen zu teilen und auch die Erinnerungen der anderen sind super spannend für mich! Während meiner Wanderung in den Bergen in Kasachstan gönnte ich mir einen Erholungspause. Ach ja, ich denke Fotos sind einer der besten Erinnerungen! Zurück zur Wanderung :) Es war sehr heiss, die Gegend wollte ich trotzdem bis in das tiefste innere erkunden :P Durch ein Zufall begegnete ich einem Flüsschen, extrem kalt war er und der Platz spendete mir gleichzeitig viel Schatten. Das Geräusch des Wassers und die Sitzmöglichkeit auf der winzigen Brücke machte diesen Platz für mich zur Entspannungsoase und durch das Trinkwasser war der Durst gleichzeitig gelöscht. Wie praktisch!

Ruhige Begegnungen mit uns selber können uns im Leben genauso glücklich machen, wie aufregende und ungewöhnliche Begegnungen mit vielen Menschen um uns herum! Was denkt ihr?

Drück euch und bis bald!! <3 <3


I was going through my follow list and noticed you haven't posted in a while. Welcome back! :)

Thank you very much :))

Beautiful places, rivers and forests are so amazed at the view, it's time we keep and preserve it for our children and grandchildren. this one of the best inheritance..

this is soo trueeee ...

wow, it looks like you had a great time and a cold stream really helps when it i shot outside, just found you and now following you

thanks you very much for your kind comment and following !!

welcome back Kazakhstan I just know the name of the country , but I think it's a beautiful one ... can I ask you why did you choose this country to travel to ... I mean it's not a common country as I see ?

thanks! yeah it is a very interesting and beautiful country, well I am born in the southern part of Kazakhstan and wanted to see it, I moved to Germany while I was 5 years old and that was in 1995 :)

I see , I hope I could visit it someday , but in the origin you are German or from Kazakhstan ? ^^

That looks like a great place to be. I would love to have a drink of that flowing water.

Nice nature.

hallo lena, das war sicher ein tolles erlebnis in der "wildniss". ich würde mich freuen, davon mehr zu erfahren. vieleicht gibt es ja kunftig noch den ein oder anderen beitrag von dir.
danke das du uns auf deiner vielfältigen reise durch kasachstan mittgenommen hast!

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