Follow me into a Huge Meditation Center - Mongolia!

in #backpacking7 years ago (edited)


Hey Guys, my host family showed me many things in Mongolia. Most people are buddhists in Mongolia, they like to meditate . It is worth to visit temples to feel its magical atmosphere. There are many reasons to meditate. Meditation triggers my fear of my fears.It leads me into my heart and gives me a quiet breathing. Consciousness becomes clearer, only the present becomes important. I become more patient in everyday life. Nowadays many people can not spend time with themselves. Constant sensual impressions from outside makes it no longer possible to listen to oneself to figure out our dreams of life.

Many sheep on our road to the temple

The way up was incredible calmly

A water source refresh people in summer time


Sometimes my friends ask me: "Lena, most of the time you seemed to be happy, why is it like that?" ... I think, it is important to listen to your heart, there are no wrong decisions in life. Listen to your belly feeling, what does it say? How does the situation feel, are you happy with that feeling? If yes, then continue! If no, change the situation! Another point is not to compare yourself with other people, this is the best way to hell. It is a hard process, working on yourself and exercising not to compare with others will be the key. I could mention many other points of my opinions. I think that are just my opinions, people have to figure out their own desire and focus in their life. There is no recipe. That makes us unique and individuell.


I do not know what the black thing has supposed to be, it looks like a holly poo :D I am joking :P


Looks like the door into the infinite life :)

Buddhists prayer flags

The Way up

My host family wanted to show me another holly sightseeing in Mongolia. To got there I had to take a rough way up. I was pretty exciting to see my surprise :) ...

... it was a holly penis. This reflects sacred fertility! Women without children have to sit (first photo) on it to become kids. You are not allowed to refuse.

Mongolian girl "Yangoul" is meditating


See you soon! Big Hug Lena <3 <3


Beautiful photos! Is that the same girl in the first pic who could be seen meditating later?

Thank you very much for nice feedback <3 .. yes this is the same girl, it was the daughter of my Mongolian host family :) I wish you a nice day !!

Thanks! Visit India sometime as well. I'm sure you'll like it Lena.

India is one of my biggest dreams too !!

You are very much welcome :)

Very beautiful pictures, i completely agree with your philosophy of life. They have wonderful traditions. have a fantastic day, lena ,-)

thanks!!! :))) wish you a sweet and fantastic sunny day :)

Interesting. The swastika sign goes both sides on that door. And I always thought the correct side is theirs which stands for life and joy, and the short moustache gentleman turned it around to represent what it does now in our culture. But, it seems they already used both sides as a force of good before our history. Love travel posts. Thank you! :)

thank you very much for your interesting comment :)

Sehr schöne Bilder und war inhaltlich auch sehr interessant :-)

Wow! Amazingly beautiful work! Thank you for sharing!

Thank you very much dear Olga :)

Excellent post with emphasis on meditation, which actually gives you more time by making your mind calmer and more focused.

thank you very much :) yes I like to meditate, even it is hard sometimes :)

holly penis.


Great sory Лена )

Looks awesome, I wish I could just hop on a plane and fly over there right now.

Lovely colourful photos

Awesome photos, Mongolia vajrayana and their temples are amazing.

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