Backlink Your Way to the Top of Google by Using Seven Simple Backlink Sources

in #backlinks3 years ago (edited)

Because backlinks increase a web page's level of authority, which is a crucial search engine ranking criteria, any web page you are seeking to promote must have a large number of good-quality backlinks linking to it in order to attain high search engine ranks.

While the best backlinks are earned as a result of great content, great content won't be seen unless the web page it's on is highly visible in the search results. It will not attract backlinks if it is not visible. If it doesn't get backlinks, search engines won't consider it an authoritative page, and it'll be nearly invisible in the search results. Little or no visibility in the search results perpetuates the vicious cycle of little or no search referral traffic, few or no backlinks, and low authority.

Easy-to-Obtain Backlinks from Popular Sources

Many website owners start on campaigns to proactively develop backlinks by targeting websites that allow (and even promote) the construction of backlinks while they're on their way to getting found for their amazing content.

Some of the most typically targeted backlink sources are as follows:

Swapping backlinks
Directories of websites
Directories of articles
Bulletin boards and discussion forums
Sites for social bookmarking
While the quality of backlinks obtained from the aforementioned sources varies greatly, they can aid in your progress toward increased visibility in search results, more natural search traffic, natural backlinks, and increased authority, which leads to even more visibility, traffic, natural backlinks, and authority. On and on it goes.
As a Backlinks Source, Your Competitors

Your rivalry - especially, competing web pages that rank at or near the top of the search results for the same keywords you're targeting - is another wonderful and sometimes neglected source of powerful backlinks.

After all, they attained their high search engine rankings due, in large part, to their authority - and since authority is mostly a function of backlinks, it's theoretically possible for you to achieve the same level of authority simply by embarking on a backlink-building campaign that targets the same backlinks they have. Simply put, if you could get all of the web pages that have backlinks to a competitor's web page to add backlinks to one of your web pages - all other factors being equal - you'd be ahead of the game.equal - that page would be equal to the competitor's web page in terms of authority.
In fact, it's theoretically possible to surpass the authority of any top-ranking individual web page by targeting all of the backlinks of the top two, three, or four search results - rather than only the backlinks of the top search result.

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