Vatican, Vates, Wode, & The Psychic Internet

in #babylon7 years ago (edited)

The word Vatican is derived from Vates meaning prophet or seer, Vatican hill is located upon a hill where Vates would utter their prophecies. Vaticinia means prophecies. The V is pronounced as a W. It would sound Wah-tays. This is related to Wotan and Wode(Woden) which are names of Odin. According to Varro, a Roman writer, the term Vatican is related to the word vagire, pronounced wagiray, which means to cry. The word vagire is as it is because a baby makes a wa sound when it first cries out. As an aside wa is the anglo saxon term for suffering.

Vaticanus was the Roman god who presided over the principles of the human voice. Odin was said to have hung upon Yggdrasil for 9 days and 9 nights before howling and grasping the runes. A baby is in a mothers womb for 9 moons prior to being born and is born howling or wailing saying "wa". Odin is the god of prophecy.


According to the Romans the Irish had three social classes within their intelligentsia. They had druids who presided over law, fili who were poets in charge of bestowing honor to heroes through their words, and vates who were in charge of prophecy.

If the word Vates, pronounced wah-tays, is related to the wa sound a baby makes we can relate the prophetic state to a return to infancy. In other words a clearing of the mind and a forgetting of all pre-concieved information. Indeed in the first verse of the yoga sutras it says that silencing the mind is what yoga is. Yoga means to yoke the mind, in other words it means to still the mind. Yoga does not mean to unite with God. And the yoga sutras describe how from a position of inner stillness one can develop clairvoyant abilities, what the celts would call second sight.

The term wode, meaning angry, may relate to the angry aspect of a baby wailing. Wode to mean prophetic may relate to the regression to infancy, the inner silence, that a seer has to go to in order to connect with what can be called the psychic internet or what at times has been referred to as bush telegraph.

Vaticanus is the Roman god of speech and is associated with the sound wa. Wa is the beginning of all speech. It is the first sound a baby makes. Vaticanus, Waticanus, is the Roman Wotan/Woden/Odin. To be "Wode" refers to be in a state of uttering prophetic utterances. It is related to the word wood in that it brings the mind to a pre-domesticated state through bringing about inner silence. Silence is feralization and speech is the act of domestication. The reason the internet is dangerous is because mass communications means mass control. Speech is control.

Vatican hill was the name of an etruscan territory, the word vates may be related to the fact the etruscans were known to be prophets. Odin speaks of being silent sitting beside the well of weird(wyrd, urd) in Havamal.

The word Babylon is used in the Book of Revelation to refer to Rome. Babylon means gate(bab) of the gods(ilu). An oracle, sybil, prophet is a gate whom the gods speak through. An oracle is a vates. Wotan was a vates as well. But who are the gods? A god is a power. Wotan is the mouth, the gateway between the gods and man. Each letter, each sound, each rune is a power. By combining letters and sounds we form spells. But each component of a word, each sound, in other words each dimension of the word, a sound is a dimension, each dimension of the word carries with it a primordial power. Each letter is a god.

The number 9 represents transitioning from one world to another. It takes 9 moons for a baby to transition to this realm from another realm. Hence 9 represents a transitioning to the realm of trance from this realm. To enter a trance one needs to pass through an entrance to become entranced. Odins sacrifice of an eye to gain knowledge represents closing the eyes. The eyes are the gate way that keep us entranced into this world. By closing the eyes one becomes entranced into the inner world. From the inner realm one can become plugged into the psychic internet.

Odin pierced by a spear represents Odin being silent, a tongue is symbolized by a spear.

The internet is just a reflection of the true internet. The true internet is the psychic internet. Magic is the manipulation of the psychic internet through words. The material world is a reflection of the psychic internet. Everything is conscious. Everything is alive. The desacralization of the earth is to see matter is dead and machinelike. The resacralization of the earth is to see even machines as lifelike, to see the world as an interconnected organism where whatever happens in one place can effect everywhere else. This is why we have to be careful with our words.

And since the world is alive it communicates to one through omens using the language of nature. There are two types of knowledge. Knowledge based on intuition called revelation, and knowledge based on reason and logic. Both types of knowledge are valid, just as we have two hands we should respect both types of knowledge. We should not invalidate either one.

The anglo saxon word sigel means both victory and sunrise. Victory is as a rising sun. Tyr the rune of victory, is symbolic of a rising sun.


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