Guess what!!???

in #babybear6 years ago (edited)

So you know how I've been laying low and have been "sick" lately...


We have a bub on the way!

I'm calling it our miracle baby since I'm pushing 40 and definitely no spring chicken, and we've been trying for a year.

It's been a rough month of ALL DAY sickness so far. The "morning sickness" thing is a myth. If only it was just in the morning.

So everything considered I'm just trying to focus on being well and not projectile vomming everywhere.

One time I was craving Indian food and we were en route to a restaurant in Katoomba when we had to turn around cos I couldn't handle the bumpy road. We were just around the corner from home lol

That's pretty much why I've barely been around and not participating in this year's silver Steem round 2019 competition.

Cos all my reserves are depleted and when I have energy to spare I've been trying to catch up on housework.

Hubby has been AMAZING. He's been trying to do and learn everything that I used to do around the house and then some. But I can't let him do everything!

So yeh!! I'll be popping around the end of October this year and I have a feeling we'll have a Halloween baby!

Ok, now who's surprised? Who's not?
If you're on my facey you don't count 😉

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Congratulations! Crazy for cravings... Luckily we missed out on that but! Best of luck with the coming months.. The morning sickness is supposed to pass...

Aww thanks @bengy!! Lol the cravings aren't too bad, it's actually making us eat healthier at the moment and I think the morning sickness is starting to finally ease. thank goodness!

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Ohhh here’s the announcement!!!!

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So excited!!!! I’ve been trying too but no luck.. my first was 15 months of trying! But hope next is faster!!

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Woohoo! Auntie Vincy! ;)

You guys will get there I know it! And soon I hope! We can be preggo together.

Taking Steemit recruitment to a whole new level ;)

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😂😂😂yes yes steembaby

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OMG congrats!!! Enjoy your time being a couple now and get all the movies and chinese drama out of the way!! hahahaha oh actually i watched more tv when the kids were born cos i would watch while i feed them :P

look after yourself as winter is approaching, keep warm and eat healthy :)

Awww thanks honey!!!!

Yeh that's what Ben's been saying, we need to go out now and enjoy our time together cos well have a plus 1 soon!

As for the dramas I reckon I'll have more time with them too once bub pops out for the same reason ;) so that's definitely a positive!

I'm actually hoping bub will help keep me warm over winter. What do you reckon? For a mountain girl, I get cold easily and even now have a hot water bottle next to me 😁

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Yes it will def keep you warm!! It’s nice to have during winter. And so glad it’s not summer time!!

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Sweet!!! I was hoping that was the case.

Speaking of dramas, what are you girls watching? I haven't watched a series in ages. Last one was Story of Ming Lan on Viki.

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I’m watching my Korean dramas - romance is a bonus book - the new one that just finished in Korea on Netflix

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Oooohhh the V guy is on that. I'll give it a go now! Thank you!!

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Ditto travel girl! Lots of drama!!!

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YAAAAAAAY!!!!! Baby bear! 😍
Congratulations. So exciting. Definitely bugger us! 🤣😂🤣

Lolol 🤣🤣🤣

Thanks so much lovely!!

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Congratulations! Hope you and the little one make it through to delivery time healthy and hale! Look after yourself.

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Awww cheers @holoz0r!!
The only downfall to this is we won't be able to make it to Adelaide for the Christmas party. Bub will only be weeks old 😭

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You guys are so selfish. :D I think it is another ploy to drag Adelaide into the Blue Mountains.

We'll attempt to have a live link or something. :)

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Lol nah man!!
Saw the possible venue ❤👌❤ its Ah~mazing!!! I so wanna go.

Ben's already told me No for the party but I'm hoping, we might still be able to go with bub 🤞🤞

Be great for it to see it's Steemit Aunts and Uncles ❤

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Congrats 🤰🤱🤰🤱

Aww congrats Arly. I've been sick too, but with actual sickness, like a lung infection. It also lasts all day so I feel ya!

Awww thank you Choo!!!
The lung infection sounds terrible. I hope you feel better soon! 😭😭😭 I really feel for you, I hate being sick all day.

Try to take naps during the day if you can. It's what I do to get breaks from the nausea 🤗🤗🤗🤗

Congrats and hope you get to feel better soon. My wife has no interest in having a baby in her 40s and can't blame her because her pregnancies have been hard enough in her 30s. She had all day "morning" sickness as well and here feet always swelled up huge in the 3rd trimester and to this day she still has pains in them.

Congrats and be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers for a strong healthy full term baby!

Aww thanks brother!!

To be honest my cut off was 40. If we didn't get pregnant by the time I was 40 then no baby for us.

Sounds like she's had a heck of a time and really can't blame her. These all day sickness things are brutal. So far no swelling, not really looking forward to it after hearing your wife's story ~ poor thing. The things we ladies go through right? ❤

Thank you for the thoughts and well wishes. Need every good vibe out there! 🤗🤗🤗🤗

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Wow! Congrats Arly. So happy for you!

All I can say is - Get lots of sleep. It'll help with the pregnancy and you might not get so much sleep when the baby comes so stockpile all you can :)

Awww thanks Bugged!!

Sleep is definitely a priority right now and I think I should get Hubby's reserves up too. I think we're both going to stockpile on that definitely!

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