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RE: Real foods for baby, especially your allergic baby! Part 2 – first solids.

in #baby7 years ago

Thanks for another informative post @kiwideb ... very timeous as I am going to be a grandfather one of these months {sulk}... I cannot believe that their is such a thing as a 'sensitive' baby...just my personal opinion. Also, why on earth would a newborn baby have allergies?
Not detracting from your article.... just believe that we mollycoddle and over pamper our children in the West. I am quite willing to bet that if research was done on African children up to the age of 10 years old versus the typical Western child the African children will have very few or NO allergies.


(edited) I think you're right about non-western children not having as many allergies, but I don't think it's molly coddling (mostly anyway). I think it's the terrible lifestyle and the appalling food which lead to gut dysfunction, which in turn leads to allergies. Most of the time they're not true allergies, but sensitivities, which is why I called them sensitive children. These first foods are less likely to lead to those issues later on.

Also the mum's gut flora passes to baby so, generation by generation, gut health is getting worse. And I think a baby whose digestive system is already damaged can react very badly to vaccinations.

I'll never be a Grandma myself, but I remember the weird feeling when my baby sister became a Grandma for the first time! I think I might call you Gramps from now on, just to get you used to it. Is that ok? ;-)

"I think it's the terrible lifestyle and the appalling food which lead to gut dysfunction" ...Ok, I buy that one, especially as the mum's state gets carried over to the baby . As regards the appalling food ... so far that has not been the case here in South Africa as I guess around 95% of families still prepare their own food from fresh fare.... but the problem is that those fresh produce are becoming more and more tainted with chemicals, irradiation, genetic modification ....
On the subject of allergies I believe that abuse of antibiotics is a leading cause of this...
Call me Gramps and 'yere will ruin the friendship' {sulk} .... {more sulks}

Allergies come from things we aren't supposed to be eating, and thus if we aren't used to it and used to the side effects we react badly.
That's why non-whites are often lactose intolerant, and that's why white people lose their lactose tolerance if they are not fed lactose-containing foods throughout childhood.
We're intolerant and allergic for a reason, at least for the big allergies, some people genuinely have odd allergies like to bananas, which is one in thousands.

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