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RE: Real foods for baby, especially your allergic baby! Part 2 – first solids.

in #baby7 years ago

Absolutely fucking horrifying m'lady, I provided citations in my article smashing milk, and I'll be more than glad to make one smashing eggs and the like as well, even if the whales in the parenting community hate me for it.

Mind citing anything that says you should be feeding your baby fucking eggs at 4months and worse, meat at 6months?
Genuinely, I am saying anything even industry-propaganda, because I don't even think they can fabricate something so horrifying bad into a good thing.
Babies should be having human breast milk and they should have ANY solid foods, ideally, well past their 3rd month, even ideally into and past their sixth month.

Don't believe me? Good, trust in the science.
Delayed introduction of solid foods associated with a lower risk of obesity long-term, and further breastfeeding and more breastfeeding significantly reduces the risk of childhood obesity.

I wouldn't think I would need to cite things on how meat is horrible for people when most every meat is linked to cancer, all are linked to prostate cancer, obesity, and basically everything bad from heart disease to even suicide figures.
But by all means, I'll dig one up if anyone wants it.

I'd like to disclaim that while I may intend to be direct and coincise, I am not trying to come off as rude, although I potentially am. That's because I consider this arguably child abuse and am extremely intolerant of practices like this, especially because they'e always going against science and generally disregarding all the facts tell me?


And every single day some other science contradicts the old science. I totally agree that breast feeding is the right way to go... for at (in my non scientific opinion) least 4 months. One could probably dig up scientific research which contradicts every one you dig up .... and personally I see no reason to, or not to, give your baby egg yolk at the age of 4 months.

So because science can be disproven (rarely) you shouldn't listen to reason at all and simply throw your hands up and do whatever because who knows?
Sorry but it doesn't work like that. If you look for good methadology, non-industry funded research, or simply properly set up studies and meta-analysis's, it's clear animal products (Short of honey) are literally the worst thing you could do to your health.

Do you also see no reason not to give your baby a cigarette and teach them to smoke?
You're sick and are rationalizing insanity.
Eggs do not have a proper nutritional profile for the children, they're not sustainable to produce and therefore will kill the child through environmental destruction later, they're frequently contaminated with disease, not to mention they're expensive, promote constipation, etc etc.
Feeding it to your child, especially regularly, is really just not okay.

So I take it you are a Vegan? Ah well, I am sick and rationalizing insanity ...{pours another double whiskey...slices a piece of lovely beef carpaccio ...chews, swallows with a smile}...{belch}... Enjoy your life and good luck to your children. Mine are already adults, not an allergy amongst any of us and we doing just fine...insanity and all !!

Allergies are 100% determined by length and amount of breastfeeding mate, not diet. That's why I'm allergy-free, I breastfed significantly till I was 4.
Eating garbage doesn't make you peel over and die in your 20s, 30s, or even 40s. Give it another twenty or thirty years and then reply to me, if you can. You'll almost certainly be on a dozen medications and having trouble doing just about anything. That's not natural. We aren't supposed to become useless balls of pain in our early 70s. Cultures that have ate better have displayed we naturally feel great and operate fine well into our late 90s and even the first years into 100.

"Allergies are 100% determined by length and amount of breastfeeding " ... I bet you regretted writing that the second you pressed 'submit'.

"Eating garbage doesn't make you peel over and die in your 20s, 30s, or even 40s. Give it another twenty or thirty years and then reply to me, if you can. "
I am 20 months away from compulsory retirement ... I will be heading off to play in a competitive bowls tournament for a week then the day after (15 July) I will be doing the Knysna Half Marathon. I doubt I will get my sub 2 hour this year, but will be close..give or take a few minutes. {sigh} ... Enjoy your Vegan lifestyle, if it works for you and yours... great, but to my mind you should not be blasting others for their lifestyle or believes based on your dogma.
I agree with you about Legumes, especially Beans ... I love them in all shapes, size and prepared styles.
My motto 'Moderation moderation moderation' {thinks} 'Errr, except maybe sex {grin}'

The reason why I'll blast people with "my dogma" is because not even you agree with your lifestyle. That's why you probably pay other people to kill the animals for you. That's why if I showed you footage on where your "food" comes from you'd refuse to watch or be disgusted.
There is simply no rational or even irrational reason against veganism. There is no argument against it. The best you can say is "I don't care" and that must include about the environment, your health, the animals, literally everything.

I only rape children a little bit, so it's okay, right :)

Moderation is another justification.

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