A Bitcoin baby is born

in #baby7 years ago

I have a little baby. I love him to death. It's quite unusual to become a Dad at 60 years old. You're never too old if you are young at heart. I couldn't be happier. He's a strong baby. The day he was born, he lifted his head and looked at me. He was too small to smile, too weak to see me, but we connected then and there, on that first day.

I loved my baby the minute he was born. I couldn't wait to see him crawl, to walk and to run. I saw my whole life ahead with him. I dreamed how I will be there when he first looks me in the eye and smiles. How I will hear his first word.

He's exactly eight months old today. He's already done some of things I dreamed of. I was there when he did them. I caught the moments on camera for eternity.

He's standing, smiling, babbling and charming all the girls. He's the happiest baby in the world.

He loves me. When I come home from work he dances with joy and can't wait for me to take him in my arms. I tell him about my day, and ask him about his. In his own way he tells me. We have so much to do together.

Soon he will be walking. His first steps seem like they are only a few weeks away. I'm so proud of him. He's so advanced for his age. Everyone says he is a wonderful baby.

There are so many things we are going to do together. I want to teach him to catch a ball, to swim, to ride a bike and so many things.

I want to go to all his birthday parties. I know that when he's a teenager, I will be an embarrassment to him. He won't want me at his parties. Then, I'll stop going.

One day, he will fall in love, maybe marry, and hold a little hand, just like I am holding his now. He will understand what I feel now. He will start inviting me to his birthday parties again.

At 60 years old, half of us are gone. I'm in the lucky half. My odds aren't getting any better. I hope I can live long enough to tell him all I know about life.

But what if I don't? How can I leave him an indelible record of my life and how I loved him?

I will make a sealed envelope. I will lock it my safe. The instruction on the envelop will be “Not to be opened until you have a child of your own”.

The envelope will contain two messages:



I think he will know what to do. Then he will understand everything.

(Don’t waste your time trying these codes. They are not the real ones).

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 57852.72
ETH 2355.59
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44