10 most irrelevant mistakes people do while selecting a name for babies

in #baby7 years ago

What comes to your mind when the word ‘baby’ gets into your ears? Or for those of us who are already mother, what was your first reaction when you realized you had a baby bump? Did you rejoice? Did you tear? Was it a surprise? And as the bump grew what was going through your mind?

Mmmh….Parentalhood is all fun. And children gives a majority of parents a mind set in terms of accountability and responsibility. But as it is there are those things that cross our minds immediately. And more often we fantasize about names. So we find ourselves having nicknames for babies even before they are born.

But you know what as we get busy with buying of baby stuff, we also get busy with guesswork of names. And what happens next? We find ourselves making crazy mistakes. Well, the mistakes may be irrelevant but let’s have a peak of some of them: -

  1. Making baby names too unique
    Mmmmh…What is the name of your baby and how unique is it? Does it make you smile when it is mentioned? Well, while we may celebrate the so called ‘unique’ names let’s get to the bottom of its meaning.

  2. Starting with the middle name
    How many names do you have and how many would you give your baby? Well, the normal trend is three names but what happens? While they should have a certain order most parents tend to start with the middle name.

  3. Keeping the name a surprise
    How early did you reveal the name of your baby? Perhaps a few days before the baby was born. But did you know keeping the name a surprise is such an irrelevant mistake?

  4. Giving boys androgynous names
    Why would you give your baby boy a name, which sounds more feminine that masculine. And did you know boys with girl like names tend to develop behavioral problems?

  5. We don’t use the names we love
    Choosing a name isn’t always about cool logic. But what happens? We are convinced that some names are old fashioned or are not current enough yet we love them.

  6. Dismissing family names
    Traditionally, our baby’s names should bear our family names to keep the family history running and perhaps dictate the good life we always wish for. But how many parents follow this trend? Very few if any.

  7. Some names are too weird
    How many times have you been made to believe that the name you love so much is too weird including the likes of Briar and Otis and Ophelia?

  1. We dismiss names as too popular
    Well, is there a name, which is regarded popular than the other? Mmh. Perhaps times have changed but no name is anywhere near the other in popularity.

  2. Do we always balance the baby names?
    Of course not in the current day and age. And while our middle names gives us more identity more often than not are not balanced with the first ones.

  3. Forgetting that the baby will grow
    Some names sounds cool at the beginning when the baby is s till very young. But how do they sound when the baby is all a grown up person? Ask yourself if the name would look funny in the future.

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