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RE: Psychotherapist Doesn't Understand Self Awareness

in #awareness7 years ago

There is not one illusion that does not offer comfort (no matter how perverse the comfort is) ones ego can take comfort in strange things. Someone with NPD takes great comfort in the suffering of especiallly loved ones. This stands, whether or not JK is a hypocrite, a murderer, or a transgender taxi driver with a degree in nuclear physics, moonlighting as a rodeo clown. Maybe I will read the book, I'm very busy, however it is still an opinion, one expressed (in a book) after ones death. The reason I don't need to is, the quote stands, inspite of his character. This is knot to say that JK is correct. Newton's laws are not "correct", just a useful model. JK himself said that he is not correct and not to listen to him because he didnt know.

I am a liar, and a hypocrite, perhaps the worst you have ever seen. You should definitely not listen to a word I say.


You have no way to know it's an opinion, that's the fact.

The quote is out the window when people suffer needlessly because of some guilt or shame that gets passed on, as that illusion isn't comfort. It's not comfort either the illusion of your loved ones suffering. It's evident nonsense regardless of denying that such illusions don't exclusively offer comfort.

That guy was so lame that any and all of his talks are full of the same sandpaper that would grate any critical thinker. He was hardly smooth with his game and often got mad and childish when he was confronted on inconsistency, or over his authority. He had to appear legitimate that he even denied reading any books, in spite that he wrote and compiled numerous books, and the themes sometimes are uncanny in their similarity to Buddhist work or Hinduism.

Since his authority as a spiritual guru or wise man is crucial to the quote to overlook the false conclusion and without that authority it's just rambling nonsense that hardly flows or is expressing a coherent thought since it relies on the fallacy of absolutes.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree

Facts aren't up for debate.

No facts just opinions.

yeah we get it, it's a matter of opinion if he was a liar or a hypocrite ;)

No whether he was a liar or a hypocrite is irrelevant.

There is not one illusion that does not offer comfort (no matter how perverse the comfort is) ones ego can take comfort in strange things.

Especially in illusions of suffering, those offer comfort too, because the fallacy of absolutes isn't demonstrably false, as illusions can bring much more than just comfort and hardly all illusion brings comfort, regardless of how twisted the logic is "some people find comfort even in what some don't find comfort in, there in the absolute always find comfort includes those that do not, implicitly, when you refer to those exceptions"

Oddly you defended the quote and it's false conclusion and utter nonsense or lack of substance that it had and the character of the liar, hypocrite that peddled such nonsense, instead of questioning or realizing "hmmm absolutes and extremes, that's the language of fools".

Its foolish not to explore extremes and absolutes (please never try to build a bridge). Why would I defend a man accused of being liar? It is indefensible. I will assert that all human beings lie. The quote also asserts something which may not be totally accurate, however useful in understanding ones dependence on the "illusion of their identity" or more accurately why we create illusions to identify with. Isaac Newton has developed ideas which assert occurrences which are also inaccurate, however they are useful for designing bridges. If someone did not try to understand the extreme of Isaac Newtons theories, we wouldn't have realised they are inaccurate.

If we look at the sentence you take issue with.

This gives great comfort. One takes comfort, security, in any form of illusion.

You would have to give me an example of an illusion, that one can identify with, that does not give some level of comfort or some level of security. People have illusions of loved ones suffering all the time, so that they can take comfort in them being a victim. There is a whole industry built around the illusion of suffering.

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