in #awareness6 years ago



What is eve-teasing: Eve-teasing is an English word that means teasing women. 'Eve' is the first woman in the world. So eve teasing refers to women being teased. Yielding to harass women in various ways. Making a variety of comments against a woman's wishes, talking to her indecently, shaking her face in front of people, is teasing.

Influence of eve-teasing: The tremendous impact of eve-teasing in the society is that every day newspapers tell us. Girls from all upper-class, middle-class, and under-privileged sections of the society are victims of eve-teasing. Hundreds of girls have been victims of suicide due to eve-teasing. Besides, many women have stopped studying due to eve teasing which will adversely affect the future of the society and the nation. As a result, social stability is also being damaged.

Why and who are doing it: some boys in the society are euphoria for rattling mentality. By harassing women through cheating, they got a distorted peace. In the joint survey of feminist organizations "women for women" and "steps toward development", the social status of eve-teasing is known - 15% of upper and middle-class families, 60% of high-middle-class families and 27% of low-income families are involved in euphoria. And it proves that in eve-teasing, children of middle-class families are more involved.

Deficiency and eve-teasing of morality: Deficiency of eve-teasing and morality relates to one another. The main reason eve-teasing is the degradation of morality. In today's society, the degradation of morality has become very extreme. This situation is pushing the youth into destruction. As a result, they are becoming obscene. Today's youth is unable to understand the basic consciousness of education, so they can not guide themselves. Young people are going astray due to adverse circumstances. In this way, cheating, hijacking, robbery, eve teasing has become an everyday event.

The eve teasing people are doing eve teasing through different techniques. In 2009, on May 14, some instructions were given to remove the eve-teasing in educational institutions and workplaces. The types of activities that are considered as eve-teasing are:

Any suggestive comment or joke

Trying to give or to put on hand

E-mail, SMS, telephony.

Disturbing pornography or any type of images, pornography, writing on the walls.

To do something objectionable, including abusive words, to suggest something beautiful.

Intimidation or pressure of any woman.

Establishing relationships with false assurances, demanding or establishing a sexual relationship etc.

Eve-teasing in a different manner: innovation in eve teasing as a result of the advancement of science and technology. Facebook is spreading orthodox pictures by eve-teasing people. Through Facebook hacking, a variety of respected pictures are being published by social media. Apart from being cheated by calling on the Internet. The eve-teasing people have chosen the phone as the tool.



To prevent eve-teasing: All levels of people have to come forward to overcome this inhuman torture to women. Eve-teasing prevention is possible by citizen awareness and collective protest. The following topics may play a role in preventing eve-teasing -

Increasing social security: Social security needs to be increased. It will prevent the eve-teasing.

Law Enforcement: A strict law must be enacted against the evildoers and it must be implemented appropriately.

Increasing awareness: Increasing awareness among people of all classes is one of the ways of preventing eve teasing.

Education Development: Education helps human beings develop humanity. If this education is spread to youth, then they will be able to differentiate between good and evil and will turn away from the bad way.

Family values: Parents should be careful about their childhood develops completely. Do not engage in any kind of work and do not take care of them. Then the eve-teasing will decrease.

Increasing the status of women: Only when men learn to respect women, only then will they prevent their conscience to behave indecently against women. Therefore, steps should be taken to increase the dignity of women.

Employment Growth: When working for all the unemployed youth, they will be busy with work and stay away from the eve teasing.

Role of Police Administration: Police action will be increased in places where there is usually eve-teasing, such as schools, colleges, shopping centers, bus stop etc.

Reduction in the use of drugs: Youths are being cheated by their drug addiction by getting intoxicants. Therefore, it is necessary to control the narcotics in order to prevent fetalism.

Thank you for reading.




every women's wants freedom in life.

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