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RE: 「0620 Wandering Gardner」 루드베키아(Rudbeckia) 총정리하다

in #avle-steem2 years ago

In a word, he has shared some very beautiful and captivating scenes with us, especially the first two scenes, which I like very much. The next flower photography Gula liked the most was that for a while I felt like I was lost in a paradise. Thank you for sharing with us some of the fascinating scenes.


한마디로 그는 매우 아름답고 매혹적인 장면, 특히 내가 매우 좋아하는 처음 두 장면을 공유했습니다. Gula가 다음으로 가장 좋아했던 꽃사진은 잠시 낙원에 빠진 듯한 느낌이었다. 감동적인 장면을 공유해주셔서 감사합니다.

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