Guide to Phraseology for Aviation (en/de)

in #aviation7 years ago (edited)


Use of ‘Wilco’

‘Wilco’ means ‘I understand your message and will comply’. It should not be used in place of a full read back.

Verwendung von 'Wilco'

"Wilco" bedeutet: "Ich verstehe Ihre Botschaft und werde sie einhalten". Es sollte nicht verwendet werden anstelle eines vollständigen zurückzulesen.

Transmission of Numbers

For clarity and brevity, numbers used in the transmission of altitude, cloud height, visibility and runway visual range (RVR) information are transmitted as shown below.

Übertragung von Zahlen

Aus Gründen der Klarheit und Kürze werden Zahlen, die bei der Übertragung von Höhen-, Wolkenhöhen-, Sichtbarkeits- und Start- und Landebahnsichtlinien (RVR) -Informationen verwendet werden, wie nachstehend gezeigt, übertragen.

AltitudeTransmitted as
800Eight hundred
3 400Three thousand four hundred
12 000One two thousand
Cloud heightTransmitted as
2 200Two thousand two hundred
4 300Four thousand three hundred
VisibilityTransmitted as
1 000Visibility one thousand
700Visibility seven hundred
Runway Visual RangeTransmitted as
600RVR six hundred
1 700RVR one thousand seven hundred
  • Other numbers are transmitted by pronouncing each digit separately, e.g. ‘Blue Skies two four seven’, ‘runway three two’, heading zero eight zero’, ‘flight level six zero’, ‘QNH one zero one zero’ and ‘squawk four two one three’.

  • Pronunciation of Numbers: To reduce the possibility of numbers being misheard, the number ‘9’ is transmitted as ‘niner’ in RTF phraseology.

  • Andere Nummern werden übertragen, indem jede Ziffer getrennt ausgesprochen wird, z. 'Blauer Himmel two four seven', 'Startbahn three two', Kurs zero eight zero ',' Fluglevel six zero ',' QNH one zero one zero 'und' squawk four two one three '.

  • Aussprache der Zahlen: Um die Wahrscheinlichkeit zu verringern, dass Zahlen falsch verstanden werden, wird die Zahl '9' als 'niner' in der RTF-Phraseologie übertragen.

Letter codes / Buchstabencodes

BBravo BRAH voh
CCharlie CHAR lee
DDelta DEL tah
EEcho EKK oh
FFoxtrot FOKS trot
GGolf Golf
HHotel HO tell
IIndia IN dee ah
KKilo KEY loh
LLima LEE mah
NNovember NOH vem ber
OOscar OSS car
PPapa PAH pah
QQuebec keh BECK
RRomeo ROW me oh
SSierra see AIR ah
TTango TANG go
UUniform YOU nee form
VVictor VIK ter VIK TAH
WWhiskey WISS key
XX-ray or Xray EKS ray
YYankee YANG kee
ZZulu ZOO luu

Numerical codes / Zahlencodes

2Two, Too
3Three , Tree
4Four , Fo-wer
5Five, Fife
6Six, siks
8Eight, Ate
9Niner , NIN ER
100Hundred HUN-dred
1000Thousand TOU-SAND
. (decimal point)Decimal DAY-SEE-MAL
. (full stop)Stop

More detailed information you get here / Weiter Informationen gibt es hier:

Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!

Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!

Original content by @schamangerbert

Images are CC0

Schaman GerbertIMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


This is a real genuine guide lines to Flightgear traffic control.

Wonderful post ,,,,,,,,,,,,
Very useful information./././././

thats a really cool post once again : )

I was also about to ask about the meaning of Mayday but someone already asked it. Haha nice learnings from you again about aircrafts

"Guide to Phraseology for Aviation"
Great technology used for make runners up. @schamangerbert, You giving instructions for control this unit. Its easy way to guild.
Steem on......

its good lesson on air traffic control, anyone can get learn from the aricle.

Very useful information for assist how to handle plane.
Upvote & Resteem

This is a real genuine guide lines to Flightgear traffic control.

what a creativity!!

That would be a great post! A great aviation guide!


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