Antonov-22-A Nyurba to Mirny in Yakutia (video by @schamangerbert)

in #aviation7 years ago (edited)

Free Fight with @zyrawr, @iyanpol12 and @reinikaerrant in the Siberian Taiga

by @schamangerbert

Your Free Flight: You choose your airplane, location and task! Suggestions in the comments please!

New: Copilot wanted!

To get even more realistic, there is now the possibility to make live conversations in the cockpit with Mumble, the exact details and the flight times you get in the, just ping me.
Detailed instructions here from my copilot @sunnylife.

Dein Frei Flug: Du wählst Dein Flugzeug, Standort und die Aufgabe! Vorschläge bitte in den Kommentaren!

Neu: Copilot gesucht!

Um noch realistischer zu werden gibt es nun die Möglichkeit live Gespräche im Cockpit zu machen, dazu benötigst du Mumble, die genauen Details und die Flugzeiten erfährst du im, dazu pinge mich einfach an.
Hier gibt es die genauen Daten für den Mumblestart von meiner Copilotin @sunnylife.


We continue our flight through the Yakutian Taiga. This time the entire navigation is done by @sunnylife, my charming copilot. Thanks to the landing with ILS (instrument landing system), the strong north wind can not harm us and we arrive relaxed in Mirny. From the thirteenth minute the inclined listener will expects a live performance with shaman singing.

Have fun watching the 40 minutes HD Videos!


Wir setzten unseren Flug durch die jakutische Taiga fort. Diesmal wird die gesamte Navigation von @sunnylife, meiner charmanten Copilotin, durchgeführt. Dank der Landung mit ILS (Instrumenten-Lande-System) kann uns auch der starke Nordwind nichts anhaben und wir kommen entspannt in Mirny an. Ab der 13.ten Minute erwartet den geneigten Hörer eine Live Performance mit Schamanegesang.

Viel Spaß beim Betrachten des 40 Minuten HD Videos!

Video (HD 40 minutes)

As I made more than 50 Video Posts on my FlightGear developments so far, I will stop to reference all of them from now on. Please look for them on my blog. Thank you!.

You may download all models for free from my github
The simulator is free for win, mac and linux:

Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!

Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!

Original content by @schamangerbert

Schaman GerbertIMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


i don't even know what i liked the most - flying or singing! ^_^ thank you for the new experience @schamangerbert! :)

you can do both! flying and singing at the same time hehe
Invite more friends so they can join @shamangerbert.
glad u like it!

it's true! you can do both! :D i resteemed this post so more people can see it now :)

Thanks so much. Hope the resteem is working now.
Thanks for your time:)

Thank you for the kind words!

Thank you @sunnylife and @schamangerbert! This is so cool!!! I'm very excited to try this one. I also told my boyfriend about this. I'm sure he'll love this to bits!!! ♥♥♥

glad u like it sis!) rock n roll!!!
invite more friends!
I have your pics on my wall:)
stay beautiful:)

I am so sorry, that I have forgotten the burger-box :)

Thank you very much for sharing such wonderful experience with us! One more question, I could see you are using a lot of boosters with your post! But according to me belly & boom are not worthy enough! Better try minnowbooster and randowhale! I will check "buildawhale" also!


minnowbooster is by far the best out there, but there is a daily and weekly maximum.
randowhale was good but has to many bits, so you have to be very lucky to get a vote more than your bid.
Look to it as advertisment, invest some and get it back in the long run. You see my posts get 2-6$ without boosters and with an investment of 7-10 $ they get up to 20 $.
Who will vote on an post worth 0.01 after 3 hours? And who will vote on the same post if it has 10 $.
Improve your format of posts every day a little bit,
find new content which you really like,
be activ,
that is how steemit works.

I hope to get the 66 reputation today and then I will write a new helping post.

Best of luck and happy steeming to you!

Thank you Captain!!
Resteem is not working, I don't know why:(

It was fun!
The Sky IS The Limit!!

Whoaaaa ! The music is sooo cool!
I was still nervous up there, hahaha
Inviting everyone to join in!
LEt's go Mumble!

This is soo awesome....i hope i get well soon and fly with you guys

get better first:) see you soon:)

Wow! Does it mean I am flying? Thank you so much!

It is my pleasure!

excellent flying against the strong wind and about ILS is super support.

@schamangerbert - Wonderful video of your newest flight <3 Love it Sir, you got a lucky partner also <3

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

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