[AUTOMATIC TRADING SYSTEM 2] Functions to compare two exchangessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #autotrading3 years ago

First Step.
Install Visual studio and make c# winform project.
(do you want to know even these? to be continued on other series :)

and open the window for new package. (sorry. below example is korean.)

like this image. "CCXTSharp"


//and include CCXTSharp library.

using CCXTSharp;

//call thread function(you made)
//like this

MainThread = new Thread(ThreadFunc);

//so in thread fucntion, call a ccxt api and receive binance' market information or other exchanges's one.

private void ThreadFunc()
Dictionary<string, Ticker> AllTicker = GetFetchTickers("binance").GetAwaiter().GetResult();

public async Task<Dictionary<string, Ticker> > GetFetchTickers(string Exchange)
CcxtAPI ccxtAPI = new CcxtAPI(@"....\ccxt\ccxtAPI.exe");
Dictionary<string, Ticker> AllTicker = await ccxtAPI.FetchTickers(Exchange);
await ccxtAPI.Close();
return AllTicker;

and. make GUI Controls !


I made Functions to compare two exchanges. and filtered for One-to-one comparison.
and then sorted for trading using the price difference between exchanges

I will add new functions for perfect trading system.
see you!

  • If you want the full source code, ask this post.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.32
TRX 0.12
JST 0.034
BTC 64664.11
ETH 3166.18
USDT 1.00
SBD 4.11