If I am a Brazilian with Low Level of English, Can I make an International Career in the Automotive Industry?

in #automotive7 years ago (edited)

The Blunt Answer is no. Without English is practically impossible to make it in the International Market.

A Brazilian who only speaks Portuguese can only make it in Portugal or Africa.

Africa does not have Automotive Industry. Portugal, I am not aware of any.

The Automotive Poles around the World are located at:

  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Mexico
  • USA
  • Canada
  • Europe

No idea if any of those countries/regions are having scarcity of professionals in this industry. But USA, certainly only has unemployment. Canada requires Express Entry Immigration.

And if a Brazilian moves to Argentina or Mexico, he may end up getting less than what he/she is making already in Brazil. Could be less Taxes, but less Income and probably lower Social Life Status. And get worst if the person is married.

But is not enough you say you are from Automotive Industry and have several years experience

You have to be clearly about your specialty. Are you from Manufacturing or from Marketing? And if it is from Manufacturing what is your sub specialty? Are you Black Belt? or What?

No Country/Market will search at international level for people they have right at their noses and at much lower cost. I am not saying that somewhere in the Planet they could be a scarcity with some international potential, like China, or Europe, but a lot of research must be done to uncover fine details.

It is a problem of making Dreams/Expectations to confront Reality:

And plan properly forward an action plan of action that takes there, based on Currrent Constraints & Boundary Conditions. May be someone else who read this post can come up with some additional thoughts/directions.

Source Image by https://pixabay.com

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