Day with my girls, take 2!!!

in #autism7 years ago

So yesterday was meant to be my special day with the girls, unfortunately my run of bad luck after last week had continued and they had to spend nearly 3 hours stuck in he car!

Let me go back to the beginning, as some of you know, my car is currently in the mechanic shop getting fixed, well hopefully as everyday there seems to be something else go wrong, it has now been 2 and half weeks since it broke down and still no good news.


So in the mean time I have been lucky enough to borrow @aussiesteems car to get my kids around. So how you may ask did i end up in a broken down car for 3 hours, @aussiesteem car decided it would also die!!! Luckily it was only the battery and after a slight meltdown by me and a phone call to RACQ, I purchased a new battery and we were on our way.

Given the unfortunate events of the day, my Wednesday with my girls did not happen. So we made up for it today. As it has been raining all week we had to do something inside. I also had a lot of running around to do so we kind of had to squish something fun in the middle of everything.


So Coffe Club came to the rescue. We don’t go out much so this was a real treat for my girls. I ordered them some baby chinos and a very yummy looking chocolate slice, and let them go to town!


While they waited for their food they had great fun playing with the table number and the little sachets of sugar from the table centre. In he end I had to confiscate the table number before Miss 1 took Miss 3’s head of as she was swinging it around like crazy.



This lead to Miss 1 having the most adorable little sulk I have ever seen, she wouldn’t even look at me and then when she turned around she had the best, “I’m not happy!” pout on her face, it was priceless.



Her pout was soon replaced with a big smile when her baby chino and chocolate slice arrived. She quickly got stuck into her little chino and had a blast playing with it more than actually eating it. Same went for the chocolate slice, she ate maybe a few spoons full then she just played with it. After a few minutes she got board and moved onto a glass of ice.



Miss 3 on the other hand took her eating very seriously, she loved her baby chino and slice, however I think it may have been a bit to much chocolate for her and she couldn’t finish it. Next time I think I will get them one to share as it was a little bit of a waste.




Even I got in on the yummy cake action and had a piece of carrot cake. It was delicious. We stayed and let the girls play with their food for a little bit longer until disaster struck when Miss 1 accidentally bumped the glass with ice in it onto the floor and it smashed everywhere.


After that we decided perhaps it was best that we exit, after helping the staff clean up all the broken glass and loading he girls back into the trolley we headed for the car. Again, luck was not on my side as it was poring down rain when we got back to the parking lot. So needless to say, we all for extremely wet.

Despite the rain and the broken glass bothers the girls had had fun, we also managed to pick up some excellent therapy tools from the store and we are planning an afternoon of fine motor skill development with all the kids. A great way to spend the afternoon as no one can go outside unless they want to be blown away and drowned.

Hopefully I will be able to get a post up about our goodies later today or tomorrow if things get a little hectic.

As always thank you for reading and sharing my little munchkins.



Missy 1 'not happy look' is adorable. Glad that you managed to make the girls a good day despite the car, mishaps in the shop and the rain. Keep warm and I am sure the motor skill fun with the children will go well. Keep us updated, I am sure many would like to hear from you. Keep the smile and positive on...God Bless you and family.

Thank you, the motor skill development was a hit but will have to wait til tomorrow to post as I’m beat and the kiddies are still awake!

So much fun looking after your children, i miss my daughter so much and doing these types of everyday things.

Does your daughter not live with you?
It is fun having kids, lots of work but way more fun!

It's true don't let @mumofmany any where near anything on wheels... It will either break down or someone will crash into it LOL. These 2 are so cute!

I swear, cars hate me!!’

Don't blame you for the mini meltdown over yet more car troubles, think that would have sent me over the edge too! Glad the second car troubles were easy to sort though.

That is the absolute cutest litte sulk and pout ever aaaahhhhhhh I do miss those (but not the tantrums).

Nice to see 3yo knows what srs bzns those babycinos really are, she'll be one of those hardcore coffee lovers hanging out in only the best and snootiest cafes with the highest quallity coffees doing her thing well ;D


She was so serious the whole time, it was adorable.
Luckily Miss 1 doesn’t throw that many tantrums, but we get that face everyday lol, can’t even get cross with her.

Friendship in itself is a reward! , this will always happen between me and you @mumofmany because i have we way you present your content, thank you for that

All in all, the day didn't sound too bad :) Your little girl's pout was truly the cutest look - you can't even be mad at that face :)

You really can’t, every time she makes that face I just laugh!

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