Communication fail!! When your child has no voice.

in #autism7 years ago (edited)

Tonight my son cut his hand open. Not a serious cut, but it was cut and it was hurting. We dealt with it and moved on and I thought nothing more about it.


Skip forward 2 hours, I’m making Master 10 his dinner. The other children had already eaten and were running around and generally being silly, the usual. When I turn to find Master 10 crying and hyperventilating.

Now I have no idea what he had done, I didn’t see him fall or hurt himself, he had been standing right next to me when the meltdown began and this is my problem, unless I see exactly what has happened I am absolutely no help to him at all.

Master 10 can not speak when he is in the middle of an attack. His anxiety goes through the roof and his ability to communicate becomes zero. The more he tries to ask for help the worse it gets. His mouth moves but nothing comes out.

It is the most hopeless feeling in the world. If I knew what was wrong I could fix it or at least attend to the problem. But nothing works. His body betrays him. If he gets extremely upset it often leads to an asthma attack and has on occasion gotten so bad that he actual stops breathing.

Everyone in the house knows that something is wrong and the room goes quiet, all except the gasping for air of Master 10. All we can do is stand there and wait for it to pass. We have learnt over time that asking questions and trying to get him to speak just makes it worse.

As we wait and I try to calmly breath with him, I scan the room. What could possibly have happened in the 5 seconds that I wasn’t looking. By this stage Master 10 is in a full blown panic attack. He is shaking his hands and trying to wipe the tears from his face all the while I’m still trying to ascertain what on earth has happened.

Then, I see the lemon juice. Master 10 was having fish for dinner. I had just passed him the lemon juice when i turned to remove Miss 1 from the seat she was jumping on. It dawned on me, he had somehow gotten the lemon juice into the cut on his hand from earlier and it was burning.

I grabbed his hand and shoved it straight under the cold running water. Within a minute he was able to breath again. Slowly he started to calm down. It took a good 15 minutes before he was able to actually speak.

This unfortunately is not an isolated event. It scares the life out of me that something as simple as a little bit of lemon juice can lead to a full blown meltdown simply because my child is unable to communicate. A meltdown that for Master 10 can become life threatening.

Despite having a plan of action in place if things do ever take a serious turn. It worries me constantly. There is no cure. It is a part of who he is. Hopefully in time and with age he will be able to manage his emotions better and in doing so will hopefully be able to at least ask for help if not one day be able to help himself.

Until such time, we just do what we have to do. We try to minimise any drama in his life and keep things as structured as possible. When he has an emotional meltdown the signs are becoming more obvious, so I am learning in that area. But when it is because he is physically hurt, even something as small as a sting can lead to a major event, yet cutting his hand caused no reaction at all.

Hopefully with ongoing therapy we will get there.

Thanks for reading.



Can fully understand what you went through. When my daughter was small and she cannot express herself as she has speech delayed. She will sign and because we cannot understand her, she will go hysterical and throw things. This is due to frustrations as she cannot get across to us. We then went to learn sign language in order to communicate with her. I guess you will manage in time to know what he wants and it gets easier with time. Do keep praying. That's what we did and things do get better. Will keep you and family in prayers. God Bless

I hate when they get so frustrated that they loose their temper. Not that we can blame them, it must be so difficult to be trapped in your own mind. Unfortunately sign language is also no good for us as he not only stops talking he can not move or respond physically apart from rocking back and forth.
Hopefully with time things will get easier and more manageable.
Thank you for your comment

Sounds like your doing the best anyone can do. A good friend of mine has a master12 who's autistic and he just made school captain, he has so much potential, that I'm sure your master10 will be just fine.

We all can only do our best. I’m sure in the long run my son and his siblings will all do well in life. It’s a long journey.

aww hun, I wish I could give you a big hug. Can only imagine what it's like when those attacks hit.

Straight away I was thinking crystals might help (I'll get on this today!!) to wear or keep on him for anxiety. Doesnt hurt to try right?

Ps. Great detective work! ❤

Thanks hun,
Was pure luck I saw the lemon juice lol. Crazy days at the minute with Master 10, had to keep him home from school today as I couldn’t get him to get out of the car. 😟

It is hard when you just want to reach in and get those words out.
You did well to work out what it was that was hurting him and blocking the communication. The hard part in my mind is that they are young now, but it won't stay that way forever. Even while my Little Man is young I'm hoping he develops mechanisms to cope for when he is older...

We are hoping that with age he will eventually overcome the inability to talk. I’m sure he will still have the anxiety attacks but hopefully he will be better equipped to handle them.

His therapist has given us several ideas, but nothing seems to have broken through the wall that goes up. It is even more heartbreaking when I can see him trying to tell me what is wrong and nothing comes out. It’s absolutely awful.

Very good

Funny baby...
I like it baby smile...
Success is always for you @mumofmany...

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