[Autism] Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism

in #autism7 years ago (edited)

There's no doubt in my mind you'll have heard the following:

“MMR and other vaccines causes Autism”

I just want to start off with saying that this is one topic I have very, very little patience for. In fact, I’d go as far as saying that vaccine-truthers are one group of people I have a real disdain for. Normally, these kind of conspiracy theories don’t do too much harm to society as a whole, but this one is damaging to every single one of us.

I’ve posted a couple of articles recently with Autism in the tags. I’ve then clicked on the autism tag to see what other people are writing about. Many are autistic individuals or the parents of children with autism sharing their experiences, and it’s so nice to read these posts. There are however, a growing number of vaccine-truthers creeping into the mix.

Let’s start off by talking about peer-reviewed research. According to Wikipedia;

“Scholarly peer review (also known as refereeing) is the process of subjecting an author's scholarly work,research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in the same field, before a paper describing this work is published in a journal, conference proceedings or as a book.”

Are we all in agreement with that definition? Now let’s look at the “research” that many vaccine-truthers cling to. The paper in question has the catchy title of “Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children”. If any of them bothered to actually research this topic, they’d know that this paper has been retracted for some very good reasons.

This paper was published by a certain Andrew Wakefield and 12 of his colleagues in 1998, and suggested that the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine may “predispose to behavioral regression and pervasive developmental disorder in children”. The main criticisms of this paper were that it had a ridiculously small sample size of just 12 children and was highly speculative. The paper received a high amount of publicity, and as a result of this, many parents refused to have their children immunised against these diseases for fear of giving their children Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or a plethora of other developmental disorders.

Almost immediately after this pathetic attempt at research was published, many studies were conducted and published, refuting the posited link between the MMR vaccination and autism. 20 years later, and this bogus research is still being peddled as the reason to not vaccinate children.

I’m gonna pause here, and would just like to make one thing clear. If you still believe this bullshit, go fuck yourself. Seriously.

Another thing that needs to be stated is that Autism is not an illness or disease that can be “cured”, but a lifelong neurological disorder. Although symptoms may not show until a few years of age, the underlying brain differences are there from the beginning. The exact cause of Autism is currently unknown, and may occur as a result of genetic predisposition, environmental or other as yet unknown factors. Most researchers agree that certain genes inherited from your parents could make an individual more likely to develop Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). There is strong evidence to suggest that cases of Autism runs in families. There have been no specific genes linked to ASD as of yet, and some researchers state that environmental triggers can cause an individual who is genetically vulnerable to ASD to develop the condition.

One thing is clear though, and that is that vaccines have no correlation with ASD. As a more recent paper suggests:

“The logic that the MMR vaccine may trigger autism was also questioned because a temporal link between the two is almost predestined: both events, by design (MMR vaccine) or definition (autism), occur in early childhood.”

Using the same flimsy logic, we could deduce that consuming breakfast as a child causes ASD, or maybe being put into a child safety seat can cause ASD, and so on. I mentioned earlier that I believe this particular conspiracy theory to be harmful to everyone, not just those with children or those diagnosed with ASD, but every single one of us on this planet. I’ll explain why.

Vaccines protect children from a wide range of serious illnesses and complications of vaccine-preventable diseases. Vaccine preventable illnesses still affect a large number of children, and can result in extreme cases in limbs being amputated, brain damage or even death. Let me tell you, as someone with ASD, I would much rather have ASD than measles, mumps or rubella. Even if these vaccines did cause Autism or other developmental disorders, I’d rather that than death.

Outbreaks of preventable diseases still occur in the 21st century, because for some reason parents still want to believe that it’s the vaccines that cause autism, rather than maybe it’s something they themselves have locked away in their own genes. If you put your child at risk by refusing to vaccinate them, you are a terrible parent. That is my honest opinion on the subject. You are risking your child’s death, over some pathetic argument that was put to rest two decades ago.

I won’t continue as I’ll just be repeating myself, but for the love of mercy, do the right thing. By all means, do your own research, but pay attention to your sources. YouTube or Steemit are not academic sites, and people are all too happy to peddle bullshit if it gets them views or upvotes. If the person telling you not to vaccinate your child, also asks you to buy their merch, or buy their holistic bullshit medicine to cure your child, then run far, far away. Please.

The MMR vaccine and autism: Sensation, refutation, retraction, and fraud (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3136032/)
Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9500320)
Vaccines and Autism: A Tale of Shifting Hypotheses (https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/48/4/456/284219)
What is Autism? by The National Autistic Society (http://www.autism.org.uk/about/what-is/asd.aspx)
Vaccine Information (http://www.vaccineinformation.org/)


Another interesting paper that was just published in Cell this January was on maternal gut flora affecting the development of a fetus's microglia, and in turn this affect was shown to have different potential consequences for males and females. It's still unsure if microglia play a role in autism, but this paper certainly made it seem like there's more at play than originally thought.

That sounds interesting and isn't something I'd heard about before. Do you have the link to that paper?
There's certainly a lot more to this subject, we've barely even begun to scratch the surface with it.


Enjoy. The research lab I work in receives Cell every month, so I make sure to peruse the journal from time to time. You never know what is going to come about!

Thank you so much! I'll take a look at that now

Numerous childhood vaccines on the standard immunization schedule (MMR, DTaP-IPV, Hib, Hep A/Hep B, Varicella) are laced with human diploid cell residue (aborted fetal tissue): ‘Some vaccines—rubella, HepA, RAB-HDC, VAR, ZOS, and one form of IPV (the Poliovax contained in Pentacel)—are grown in cultured human embryo fibroblast cell lines (WI-38 or MRC-5).’

‘It is estimated that about 5 to 30% of the world’s cell lines are contaminated with mycoplasmas. Mycoplasmal contamination influences almost every parameter within the cell culture system…Mycoplasmal infection of cell cultures might often linger for an extended period of time without noticeable cell damage.

Cell Journal

Percentage of chronic illness patients where mycoplasma is found: •Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: 50% •Fibromyalgia: 60% •Lyme Disease: 65% •Multiple Sclerosis: 50-60% •Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): 60-70% •Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): 45% •Lou Gherig’s Disease (ALS): 85-90% •Gulf War Illness (GWI): 40% •Other “autoimmune” conditions: about 30%.’ Katherine M. Poehlmann, PhD

You've made a massive leap there and have failed to connect human diploid cell residue (if it's fetal, it's kinda gotta be aborted right? They aren't taking it from live fetuses) and mycoplasmas.

Also, a PowerPoint presentation is not a published paper, bloody hell I'm repeating myself here. I'm done.

The burden of proof is on you sir, and you're failing to convince me. Isn't that your mission? To convince the world that they're wrong and you're right? You need to step your game up


As a potential connecting link between vaccines, brain inflammation, and autism, Diana Vargas and colleagues (2005) examined the brains from autopsies of 11 autistic patients ranging in ages from 5 to 44 years, in which they found the presence of extensively activated microglia and astrocytes (the brain’s immune cells) along with proinflammatory cytokines.

Normally dormant, the microglia and astrocytes can become very destructive when overstimulated for prolonged periods of time, which vaccine adjuvants are designed to bring about. As with the Pourcyrous study, it was the first study of its kind, clearly documenting a significant association between autism and brain inflammation.


The Pourcyrous Study: A Major Milestone in Medical History


Yeah, ok and? What does that have to do with vaccination? I read the abstract but couldn't find anything linking it to vaccinations. MS isn't caused by vaccinations, and obviously that is a immunological based disorder.

We know so little about the many forms of Autism, it's a neurological disorder as you well know, but I'm struggling to see the link between vaccination and autism here.

But as explained above I am just an idiot that sells shirts. ;)

More research

Right, so I click on many of the "papers" on that site, the first one is just a newsletter, forget that one. Moving on, we see some seemingly reputable papers, but no mention of vaccinations. Immunology doesn't mean vaccinations, you know that right? An elevated immune response in the brain does not correlate to vaccinations? You see that don't you? I haven't got the time, like I've said elsewhere on this train wreck of a comments section, to double and triple check these sources, but so far, I haven't read one seemingly reputable paper that states vaccinations cause anything. Pasting a link to one of these incredibly dubious alternative health sites isn't citing sources, you're making me do all the hard work.

Over activated Microglia can happen
in the brains of individuals with autism, what is going on is that the microglia are constantly activated and their inflammation response genes are turned on.

Microglial cells "police" the brain for threats and pathogens.

Priming the Microglia -
that is these cells are in a state of high readiness. If the immune system is activated again soon after (days, weeks to months), these microglia explode into action secreting levels of their destructive chemicals far higher than normal.

Studies have shown that adjuvants, from a single vaccine, can cause immune overactivation for as long as two years. This means that the brain microglia remain active as well, continuously pouring out destructive chemicals. In fact, one study found that a single injection of an immune activating substance could cause brain immune overactivation for over a year. This is very destructive.
People ask what is the mechanism involved to suspect that vaccines cause harm/death?
The hypothesis has been; the adverse events/deaths associated with/caused by vaccines are the result of over reaction of the immune system; "cytokine storm."
A cytokine storm is the systemic expression of a healthy and vigorous immune system resulting in the release of more than 150 inflammatory mediators (cytokines, oxygen free radicals, and coagulation factors). Both pro-inflammatory cytokines (such as Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha, InterLeukin-1, and InterLeukin-6) and anti-inflammatory cytokines (such as interleukin 10, and interleukin 1 receptor antagonist) are elevated in the serum, and the fierce and often lethal interplay of these cytokines is referred to as a "Cytokine Storm." The primary contributors to the cytokine storm are TNF-a (Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha) and IL-6 (Interleukin-6). The cytokine storm is an inappropriate (exaggerated) immune response that is caused by rapidly proliferating and highly activated T-cells or natural killer (NK) cells. These cells are themselves activated by macrophages. The cytokine storm must be treated and suppressed or lethality can result.

Take a look at the package insert for Merck's MMR vaccine, which, on page seven, lists encephalitis as a potential side effect. Type 2 diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is another, along with a number of other potentially life altering conditions. Rarely, if ever, will your pediatrician calmly inform you of these reported side effects, which is why you'd be wise to read through the vaccine manufacturer product inserts as part of your own personal research, prior to vaccination.


MERCK Warns us

Jesus what a mess. Right, I've read the sources you've cited, and none of them stated anything to do with:

"Studies have shown that adjuvants, from a single vaccine, can cause immune overactivation for as long as two years. "

What studies? This is ridiculous mate, do you know how to cite your sources? Go look at a wikipedia page for a quick refresher. So far, I'm not convinced, or impressed with this lazy copy and paste job.

Again, whether Brain inflammation plays a role or not isn't really the topic of this conversation, it's how do vaccinations cause Autism, or any of the other neurological conditions that have been attributed to them by people who can't be bothered to think.


This all started with a corrupt lawyer and doctor who later retracted their paper and a Hollywood star that had no idea what she was talking about. And somehow it took off from there.

It is a very dangerous myth as you can see from the data in Europe from last year. They saw a 4x increase in measles from the year before, a disease that was basically wiped out before this madness began.

Absolutely mate. I was genuinely dumb-founded to see that there is a very active group of users here on Steemit who are still pushing this harmful misinformation. I normally try to keep the mind set of "each to their own" but this one really boils my blood.

Ya unfortunately trolls exist on all the social media sites, we just need to make sure as steemit grows it doesn't become the common theme.

Just curious why are people scared of measles ?

We had measles parties ?

Fever and a Rash.

Fever and a rash?

Dr. Anne Schuchat, director of CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, in an Associated Press interview in 2014 stated that there have been no measles deaths in the US since 2003.



However, the CDC’s National Vital Statistics Reports show 2 deaths associated with measles for 2009 and 2010.
Now let’s look at this measles vaccine
“Pediatricians continue to defend vaccination to the death. The question parents should be asking is, ‘Whose death?’
Robert Mendelsohn, MD
Another government reporting agency, The National Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), reports 108 children died from the measles vaccine during a ten year period. http://www.medalerts.org/vaersdb/index.php
But that may be a fraction of the real number because MDs often do not report vaccine injuries.
Death certificates, usually filled out by MDs, very rarely mention vaccination as the cause of death. They may write encephalitis or brain inflammation rather than vaccination even though vaccines can cause brain inflammation) on the death certificate. We don’t know the real number of vaccine injuries and deaths. But they are most likely much greater than what VAERS reports due to underreporting.
According to Dr. David Kessler, former head of the Food and Drug Administration, "Only about 1 percent of serious events [adverse drug reactions]
are reported to the FDA." Kessler DA, Natanblut S, Kennedy D. et al. Introducing MEDWatch A New Approach to Reporting Medication and Device Adverse Effects and Product Problems. JAMA. 1993;269(21):2765-2768.

We don’t know how many vaccine injuries and deaths there are but if we apply the above underreporting number to vaccine injuries then possibly as many as 10,800 children might have been harmed or killed by the measles vaccine during the period that at most four died from measles.

In the first decade of reporting, an average of 6,000 measles-related deaths were reported each year. In the decade before 1963 when a vaccine became available, nearly all children got measles by the time they were 15 years of age. It is estimated 3 to 4 million people in the United States were infected each year.

It's nice to use misleading information but why do we look at a time before the disease was basically cured by the vaccine.


Cured by a vaccine ?

Inject diseases get diseases .

Maybe a little understanding of the difference between cause and effect.

Why do vaccines wear off ?
Oh but I thought they cured measles ? How when you need a booster shot
Natural immunity does not need a booster .

Why do you think adults are getting childhood diseases?
Because their artificial immunity wears off.

You need a refresher on immunology .

I remember when I thought like you .

haha jesus f-ing christ, tinfoils hat at the ready people

You know that they meant to say eradicated, why argue about the semantics of things when you clearly are a wealth of knowledge.

I'm yet to find any evidence of death by vaccine. 10,800? come on...

The stupidity with this one is painful

I recommend you don't read anything written, I say written, it's more like tinfoil hat ramblings, by @truthtrain. And wouldn't you know he sells his own line of Truth Train branded merchandise.

That's very good advice, and I'll definitely stop myself from clicking on the unintelligible guff @truthtrain calls writing. If idiots like that were capable of understanding the harm they cause, the world would be a better place. It was @truthtrain that particularly pissed me off. If you're reading this @truthtrain, go shove your crappy merch right up your arse.
I'm calm now! honest!

I can have a debate without being immature .
Obviously someone cannot.

You're right completely hijacking someone else's post with your own agenda is very mature.

Chief, if you would like to debate this I am all up for it. I'm not hiding behind anonymity, I'm being painfully honest when I say that I believe your kind are bullshit peddling con artists with the intellectual capabilities of a shrew. But, if you would like to debate this topic, with peer-reviewed reputable sources and no petty name calling, then bring it good sir.
I'll be honest, again, and say I was purposefully being infantile to try and goad you into responding to this. I want to know why you think the way you do. What has lead you to your beliefs? The copy and paste job you've done on this post has failed to convince me of your point of view.

That's cute thanks :)

You're very welcome, your snake oil peddling guff doesn't fly with me sadly. I've read as much of your ahem sources as I can, you clearly have a very low standard for proof.

That was very unimpressive chief.

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