Is Full Recovery from Autism a Fact or Fiction?

in #autism2 years ago

Is Full Recovery from Autism a Fact or Fiction?

Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD, as the name suggests, refers to disorders that fall under the spectrum of autism. These disorders include Asperger’s syndrome, Rett syndrome, pervasive developmental disorder, and several other disorders that result in difficulties with communication and social skills and are collectively termed autism spectrum disorders (ASD). There are many controversies regarding the cure of autism spectrum disorder; some believe it can be cured while others disagree. Does the question arise as to whether autism can be fixed or not? If yes, what can be done to recover from autism? The following paragraphs will shed light on these questions.

Why do we want full recovery?

In recent years, parents, doctors, and people with autism themselves have been calling for better treatments to give children full recovery. Here’s a glimpse into what full recovery looks like: Children with autism might not speak at all or have ananybal communication skills; with full recovery, they are fully able to communicate verbally and develop their social skills. The term full recovery has come under fire in recent years as many scientists say it is impossible to recover completely from autism because of how it affects brain development. However, there is no doubt that children can make significant improvements in their lives if given appropriate treatment.

What does full recovery look like

While there is no actual definition of full recovery, it typically means that you no longer meet any of the diagnostic criteria for autism. Some say that those with high-functioning autism may be able to recover fully, while those with low-functioning autism may not be able to recover at all. However, others believe that there is absolutely no such thing as full recovery because autism is lifelong and each person with autism has different needs and capabilities.

How can we get there?

People are often quick to tell you that no one ever recovers from autism. In some cases, it may be true that there is no cure for autism. In other cases, people may simply not have gotten far enough in their search to realize that full recovery is possible. Because there is still so much research being done on autism and because many people with autism also have other conditions and complications, we are still discovering just how much full recovery is possible.

Why are people so afraid of the word cure?

The word cure brings to mind an end to treatment, an end to therapy, and an end to medical care. Autism is not something that you recover from in any absolute sense. Those with autism are typically well into adulthood before anyone learns that they have it and many people do not receive a formal diagnosis until well into their teenage years.

What needs to change for full recovery to happen.

And don’t expect it to be an easy journey. It’s hard work, and you will have to push yourself beyond your expectations. But if you can keep at it, you’ll find that full recovery is more than possible; it could be more likely than ever before. And make no mistake about it, it will still be hard work; however, there are those professionals who want nothing more than to see autistic people reach their full potential.

How can we approach it differently than the current way?

The first step is to understand what autism is and what it’s not. As opposed to years ago, we now know that there is a clear biological basis for it; in fact, we can see its presence at birth. The latest research on autism shows that kids with an older sibling on the spectrum are more likely to develop autism than other children—in other words, both genes and environment play a role. That said, current research also indicates that most cases of autism have a strong genetic component; if one identical twin has autism, there’s a 90% chance his brother will too. That said, environmental factors (like certain foods) may trigger symptoms of autism later on. To put it simply: There is no cure for autism but there are ways to manage symptoms so that kids with ASD can lead healthy lives and reach their full potential.


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