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RE: Vaccines do not cause Autism ?

in #autism7 years ago

The third document in your "Peer reviewed" list has been peer reviewed and rejected because it is, put bluntly, shit. Almost half the autistic kids in the report did not receive the HepB vaccine as it had not been rolled out to them as infants. The link between autism and HepB was debunked. There are many references to this weak study and it's dodgy hypothesis online - you should try reading them.

Here are a few:

88 "peer reviewed" papers left....732,000 kids lives saved between 1997 and 2013 according to your own sources - but you would rather they were dead. Put that on a t-shirt, see if anyone buys it.


Great job researching the can't fight what you determine to be misinformation with misinformation. And I quote: "estimated" to have prevented....732,000? What if their estimates were completely made up? That's really what an estimate is, just a guess.

It seems like the more I read about this shit the more I realize the Internet is crawling with trolls paid by the pharmaceutical companies to peddle their fake science to make sure everyone buys into their bullshit.
Think I'm kidding?
Here is what we are finding out about the "science" provided by the chemical corporations so we believe their bullshit scientific papers.
When the fox is watching the hen house, don't believe everything the fox tells you.

One day hopefully these people will wake up !
These poor kids being damaged by vaccines ! Autism is 1 in 36 now and what are we doing about it ? I Fight every day and then I get people trying to discredit me everyday ! It's like they trust government agencies and drug thugs.
It is sad.

It is sad. Fortunately many people are waking up Brother...stay strong.

Autism is 1 in 36 now? According to what statistics exactly?
Fight every day with inaccurate flawed studies and biased tinfoil hat ramblings

That doesn't state 1 in 36 ASD diagnoses.
What it does say is:

"During 2014–2016, the prevalence of children aged 3–17 years who had ever been diagnosed with a developmental disability increased from 5.76% to 6.99%.
During this same time, the prevalence of diagnosed autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability did not change significantly.
The prevalence of autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, other developmental delay, and any developmental disability was higher among boys compared with girls.
The prevalence of any developmental disability was lower among Hispanic children compared with children in all other race and ethnicity groups."

So, it's increased from 6 to 7 in 100 for developmental disabilities, which includes but is not limited to ASD.

How about looking at this another way - the rest of World, every medical organisation, rich or poor, new or old, government funded or "Big Pharma" - all agree that vaccines work. They have mounds of evidence and untold millions of people alive. They have eradicated diseases like smallpox from the face of the planet - polio is the next target, funded by "Big Pharma", the Round Table, governments, charity bodies and individuals who care. This is versus a guy called Todd who sells t-shirts. I am not in the pay of any of these bodies, I do not live in the US. My health service is state run - they have no interest in perpetuating disease to make money, the exact opposite in fact. STEEMIT is a global medium, your arguments from the US of A do not scale outside of your country and frankly look ridiculous.

Back to the 732,000 - that was cited by Todd, not by me. He posted that paper as an underpinning to his argument. I am merely quoting his own sources back at him. The TruthTrain has derailed itself.

Onc again your research falls short. One look at my page and you would see I am in Canada, not the US. We also have government run health care. I am retired and every time I go to the doctor you know what they want to do? Give me a flu shot, have me shit in a cup, and take some blood. Do you know why?
Because they want to help me? Right. Large corporate entities always have my best interest at heart, not their share holders.
Why do you think my doctor wants me to have a flue shot? MONEY.
Why does my doctor want me to shit in a cup? MONEY.
Every time they do something, they make money. Every time I shit in a cup, a third party private company makes money by processing my shit.

I am sure I can't change your mind, but ALL corporations are in business. Business does not give shit about your health. All I they care about is the bottom line. When this becomes evident, your way of looking at what it is they do and why changes significantly.

Just look at his profile. Look at mine.
Who is doing research on health, nutrition, autism, cancer awareness?
They are just trolling.
I guess they support these big businesses that could care less about our health. All they care about is that money.
It is sad.

I was clear in this conversation that I was sure I wouldn't change his mind. So far, it looks like I am correct!

But you've failed to prove a causal link between vaccinations and developmental disorders. Remember, there is a difference between correlation and causality.

What research are you doing? What papers have you published on the subject? Stop deluding yourself into thinking this quackery is anything other than bullshit. You've done exactly no research in 20 years. I have asked you what makes you qualified to state the bold claims you make, and you've failed to. You are the one for whom the burden of proof falls on.

Oooh it's all a big conspiracy! All the World's health services, libraries, universities, research labs, publishers, health charities, governments, auditors, scientists, chemists, biologists, schools, equipment manufacturers and doctors are part of a giant scheme just to take money from you! Thank fuck we have a guy that sells t-shirts as the bastion of truth.

Give yourself a shake.

Why flag that post? This is becoming increasingly petty

Go back to my first comment, then click on the link and read the scum fucking comments in the court documents from the lying corporate fucks who put money above all else...especially human life. Then come back and tell me it's all just conspiracy. If you get through all the PDFs without having to go turn CNN on to sooth you back into complacency then we can have a real discussion about truth.

sailor geek? enjoying life? sounds like you are enjoying trolling someone who is researching the truth behind a world full of lies that you do not see. I should just sit back and do nothing ? what are you doing about it?

Perhaps I should collate links off Google and sell t-shirts?

Whoa, why you getting so personal? I thought you were about free and open debate buddy? You're incapable of responding in your own words, only able to copy and paste third-party links that support your views, not willing to put any effort in. Present your case in a coherent way, and maybe people will be more likely to respond in kind. Your techniques of mass pasting dubious articles without putting any thought into it is tired at best.


oh and where do I sign up for this free monies from the chemical industry? I'll jump on their payroll

So you ARE ok with spreading propaganda, as long as those wanting to sell it will pay you for your services?
That Brother is just sad.

Free money for stating that vaccines work? I'll have some of that too, so much easier than going through medical school.

Vaccines work? for the drug companies! Injecting healthy babies and creating life long disabilities, diseases and dysfunctions they now have to treat with their drugs.

What propaganda have i spread sir? So far, the only ones spreading propaganda are yourself and the righteous @truthtrain

You're the one who said they pay people to spread their so-called "fake" science, so where do I sign up?

Your first paragraph is so nonsensical, I had to check whether my coffee had been doped, I thought I was repeatedly misreading it.

"you can't fight what you determine to be misinformation with misinformation. And I quote: "estimated" to have prevented....732,000? What if their estimates were completely made up? That's really what an estimate is, just a guess."

What on earth are you on about mate? He clearly stated that that is a "statistic", if you can call it that, from sources provided by the @truthtrain itself. The point is it's a bullshit stat. An estimate is not a guess, jesus christ. An estimate requires a certain amount of calculation, a guess does not.

Feel free to cut and paste the "clearly stated is a statistic" because I do not see that stated anywhere. Keep shovelling....

I'll do it here for you since you struggle to comprehend what you read - it is a statistic, supplied by TruthTrain(sic) as part of his argument. I did not present the information, I merely extracted from what he supplied. It is TruthTrain that you need to direct the questions to as he supplied the information.

My sincerest apologies chief, I made the assumption you'd be able to understand that from what was said.

Well that settles it. Because agrestic and johngreenfield think it's ok.......even though Corrupt British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline was found in EU court documents to have known their vaccine caused autism.....I guess I'll go get stabbed in the arm. What could go wrong?

According to, that well known reputable source of scientific news.

I counter with:

"There is also no evidence connecting any of them to autism, and for one of them – thimerosal – there is abundant evidence to the contrary."

Apparently just pasting links to third party sites is all that is needed to refute a claim.

Edit: Also unable to verify the part where GSK admit their vaccine causes autism, 404

oh and I do believe that does in fact settle the argument that the "statistic" that you had issues with was after all from a source provided by @truthtrain

This is becoming like something out of the twilight zone, maybe you guys are from a parallel dimension where Big Pharma and the NWO are intentionally infecting kids with fungi through the vaccines.

And john is a reliable expert ?

On whether your sources provided that bullshit statistic? Erm, I guess so?

Enlighten me, what exactly qualifies you to make such bold claims?

Not bad.....but, the damaging GSK Report IS available on the link you posted and was evidence in the case. Going to get my shot now...wish me well.

404 error for me buddy, wanna download it and host it elsewhere for me to peruse? There's a supposed screenshot, but since the fabled document doesn't exist, it's validity comes into question, although I'm sure you disagree with that

haha holy shit, are you for real? I looked through that document, autism is mentioned 11 times, and wanna know what it says? No or unresolved, it doesn't prove a direct link at all.

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