Sport Misconduct and Obedience to Authority!

in #authority6 years ago (edited)


The Australian cricketers ball tampering issue is a perfect illustration/microcosm of a larger societal issue I always talk about, obedience to authority.

Specifically, doing something against your better conscience despite knowing it is the wrong thing to do, because an “authority” told you to do it. It can be directly related to military services for ones “country”.

Cricketing “authority” is voluntary, as is military “service”.... both are perceived to be “serving” ones country.

If Cameron Bancroft did not obey the leadership groups “authority”, the unsportsman-like deed does not get done. Just like if soldiers refused to obey their “commanders” orders, the immoral and unjust military deed will not be carried out.

The main different here is that no innocent civilians are getting murdered. To realise the power of indoctrination, which one do you think people frown upon and which one you do think people call “heroic”?

Both are supposedly “doing it for their country”...and “doing what they were told”...I find it very intruiging reading fans comments about the issue, MOST are blaming mainly Smith for “telling the young kid to do bad things”, while for the most part exempting Bancroft of the responsibility of his actions. (Not to say both aren’t at fault).

Another key difference here is that Bancroft is taking responsibility for his actions, whereas soldiers DO NOT.

There is NO DOUBT this is a larger societal issue where apparently those just “following orders” can be exempt from the responsibility of their actions, no matter how unjust and immoral, because “they’re just complying to the chain of command”, “they did come up with the idea.”

Although an extreme comparison, in Nazi Germany not a single Jew would have been slaughtered if not for obedient “workers” just “doing their job” all deferring responsibility up the ladder of “authority”.

We all know ball tampering is wrong, but “supporting the troops” is the moral equivalent to cheering for Bancroft’s actions because “he was doing it for the good of his country”....

Although this is a small misconduct in comparison, it is blind obedience to a perceived “authority” which has led, and continues to lead to some of the most heinous, sickening and destructive acts carried out by people.

Just some thoughts....


Ask people how many people Hitler killed, they'll usually say 6 million.
Correct answer is 'fewer than 10'

Exactly. Not by any means saying the “authority” is not culpible, but it is the BELIEF in a perceived legitimate authority that causes generally “good” people to carry out evil. Without this belief, the authority has to carry out his evil acts WITHOUT a compliant army of order followers.

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