The Book Journey So Far.

in #author7 years ago

Hello everyone.

Change of name.

I changed my name from crazybgadventure, to my pen name for the foreseeable future, this is because most of what I will be blogging about will be book related in some form.
I wanted to update you on my progress what is happening with the book.

First Draft Arc Readers.

I submitted the book to five readers in total, three so far who have came back to me, and I am amazed at the feedback. The book was in its first draft, so lesson 1 I learned is don't let anyone see your first draft, because it's no where near presentable. The feedback I got was things like punctuation and grammar errors, which to be honest I did expect. However the great thing I was reading was they all loved the story line. So that gave me some much needed confidence to say that I am happy with not only my writing, but people reading what I wrote.

What i have learned so far.

So I may have wrote earlier at some point that I wanted to self publish the book. I said this mainly because I hear so much about how difficult it is to get traditionally published, so I just wanted to skip this step and go straight to Amazon and Create space, without even thinking about the possibility of using a publisher. But now I have had time to process things, and for me this might not be the best idea initially. Mainly because of things like, I don't know how to Market the Book in fact, I don't know that much about the process at all.
So after some revisions done on the book, I felt happy enough last night to submit the manuscript to a couple of publishers to see what their thoughts were.
The publishers I submitted to, are digital publishers looking for new authors, but again I learnt to be careful as some of them want you to pay them to publish your book. Now why on earth would anyone want to do that.

I hate waiting.

Its true although I only submitted the manuscript last night the main thing I have to do now is learn patience, and wait to hear back from them. I know that it could potentially take months to hear back and even getting a deal could mean the book takes months to get published.
At the same time I learned that publishers don't normally just want you to do one book, they might ask for three or four more in a certain length of time. They say if you have more than one book following your Debut novel then you have more chance of being seen, so this gives me the perfect opportunity to write the second book in the series.

So all in all readers i am learning a lot, patience is a virtue, the book business is far from easy, but I love it every single bit of it.

Until next time.


So good to hear from you, although your name still appears the same to me :)
Do they want you to pay because they think they are offering a marketing service? Did they still want the largest cut of the profit after you paying them to publish the book? That makes no sense when self-publishing is so easy nowadays.

Self publishing is easier but the cost factor is more because you pay top dollar for decent copy editing, the cheapest I found as an all in one package is $399 dollars, its just money I can't part with right now. Re publisher the ones I have submitted to are digital and POD publishers, no upfront cost, one offers royalties at 45% ok lower yes but they have marketing expertise and free editing.

45% sounds very good to me, I've heard of people getting a lot less and if you aren't either good at marketing or simply not fond of it, it's absolutely worth it. I would take 45% of something any day over 45% of nothing.

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