Follow Me to the Fortress in Austria - Festung Hohensalzburg, komm mit!

in #austria7 years ago (edited)


Hey guys, while I was walking around in the old city town of Salzburg I decided also to explore the Fortress of its wonderful city! On the picture above in the background you can see the white fortress that is called "Festung Hohensalzbug" and it is
a real eye-catcher high above the baroque towers of the city. You can rent a guide through the fortress, but I decided to explore the fortress without one. There are information boards everywhere and I can decide how long I want to be inside without a timetable.

I went up by feed and passed by a small church with a graveyard next to it

I walked through some grave stones, in the background you can see the fortress a bit closer

The higher you go the more you get the opportunity to see Salzburg from above

It was pretty cold and I felt rain on my skin

It went really colder and I decided to enter a museum inside the fortress..

Back in the days Austria was also involved in war


Inside the fortress I got warmer and continued my tour

A church on the property of the fortress

Grey weather can be beautiful as well

The fortress included a restaurant, too and it is possible to taste Austrian kitchen. I was not that hungry ..

Salzburg was build like a fairytale

I enjoyed the view over the wet roofs of Salzburg and walked the way back :)

Good Night - Good Fight! See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3

deutsch / same post in German


Hallo! Während ich mich in der Salzburger Innenstadt gemütlich umgeschaut habe entschied ich mich auch dazu die Festung Hohensalzburg zu besichtigen. Im Hintergrund auf meinem Bild kann man die Festung Hohensalzburg erkennen. Diese ist ein echter Blickfang, das muss man schon sagen. Hoch über den barocken Türmen der Stadt hat sie seinen Platz gefunden. Je nach Wunsch kann man eine Tour buchen, ich entschied mich jedoch auf eigene Faust das innere zu erkunden. Es befinden sich überall Informationstafeln und ich konnte flexibel meine Zeit je nach Lust und Laune einteilen.

Beim hinaufgehen ging ich an einer Kirche vorbei, ein Friedhof war ebenfalls zu sehen

Es ging zwischen einigen Grabsteinen entlang, im Hintergrund kann man die Festung schon näher erkennen

Umso höher man kommt, umso mehr bekommt man die Möglichkeit Salzburg von oben zu bestaunen

Kalt war es... auf der Haut war Nieselregen leicht spürbar

Im inneren konnte man sich aufwärmen und gleichzeitig ein Museum besuchen ..

Österreich war in einigen Kriegen involviert


Nachm aufwärmen ging es weiter

Eine Kirche war auf dem Gelände zu sehen

Graues Wetter kann genauso so schön sein

In der Festung selber konnte man je nach Hungerlage dinieren und traditionelle Österreichische Küche geniessen. Leider war ich nicht hungrig ....

Salzburgs Architektur ist wie aus einem Märchen entsprungen

Den Ausblick über die nassen Dächern von Salzburg konnte man durchaus geniessen. Soooo Ende, ich ging denselben Weg wieder zurück :)

Gute Nacht alle zusammen! Bis Bald und nen Fetten Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3


Wow, the photo of you with all those spires and towers behind is so nice! Thanks for adding Salzburg to my travel list! :D

Thank you vey much :) it is really worth to visit this nice country and nice cities !

Ich habe gefallen überblick Salzburg und Museum LG Rädschäb <3

That is an interesting graveyard.

why exactly?

It looks like each grave is like a raised flower bed. I don't see that on graves over here.

yes usually grave stones have a little garden in front of the stone

Great picture Thanks for sharing with us
We always enjoy what you enjoy with us
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Thanks for your cool comment :)

i love ur all travel story,,All Of So Good Content creator by @lenatramper

Thank you very much for your kind comment!

You are very nice to see the whole beauty of Salzburg. . Salzburger architecture is amazing .
In one word it was a great tour dear @lenatramper

Thank u very much :)

Whaoo, i am dreaming. Beautiful fortress and nice restaurant with the ambiance of the ancient chivalry time too. I can imagine with a lower light and just candles giving a real romantic side and wearing a royal blue prince costume for me and beautiful gowns for ladies. Damn, i have to stop dreaming lolll. Have an excelent day, lena ! Thank you for sharing your experience with us :-)

Thank you very much! In my opinion it is always nice to dream, cause dreams can get true :D Wish you also a nice and happy evening!!

i totally agree with you :-)

Es war ein wunderbares Teilen Lenatramper👍

You spend great time my dear, hope you all success and thank you for sharing your great experiences with us

Thank you very much!

You wrote a very nice article. I know a little bit about Salzburg because of you. if I have a chance I want to go too. Thank you for post. Please follow me too :)

Thanks, it is really worth to visit Salzburg !! Greetings Lena

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