The Constitution of Australia for Dummies

Bankruptcy and foreclosure on your home. A frightening thought isn’t it? To understand how and why it happens to thousands of Australians every year – Listen for just 36 minutes to make sure it never happens to you or your children.

I am the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia. I am the most important document in this land. Without me all contracts are worthless bits of paper. Even your money and the deeds to your home are worthless without my protection. Yes the very fabric of your free Australian society is vitality dependant upon on me.

Perhaps you’ve never heard of me or if you have chances are you know little about me. Why? Because there are those living among you that are deadly afraid of me. They have kept me out your schools and universities for decades and they fully intend to have me hidden away from you. Why? Because I am the rule of law. The moral law and not the rule of men. Listen to my story...

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