Australia in great trouble due to coming anti-God LGBT marriage law

in #australia7 years ago (edited)

This is so sad, sad news. Australians have chosen rebellion! Woe to Australia!

There were serious warnings about this issues and it's sad that Christian world and especially Christians in Australia were not able to avoid this and now the-blind-leading-the-blind politicians are happy although it will bring only suffering to people there.

What has happened?

The non-binding postal vote showed 61.6% of people favour allowing same-sex couples to wed, the Australian Bureau of Statistics said and most politicians are anxious to bring this as a law. Only 38.4 of voters were against this proposal and very importantly this voting had very high participation: 12,727,920 people submitted a response which means participation that is equal to 79.5%.

What will be the consequences for sure?

Besides a huge corruption of moral laws and twisting perception of people and especially children, there will be God's judgement due to this severe violation of His laws and bringing society corruption. Therefore a calamity will come. There is the exact snippet from the prophecy related to this matter:

Lord Jesus said:

Tell them, that I will visit them with an iron hand to judge and punish if the nation would vote for the same-sex marriage bill.

and another part of the prophecy related to this

Severe natural calamities had been determined to come upon this nation.

These are the words related to this matter that God's prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj received in 2016 and declared since then.

Is there any hope in this?

No law is accepted yet so there is still a little hope this will not happen however as the politicians declared that this Antichrist law will be effective until the end of this year and thus it would be quite a miracle to see this reversed. Take care and do what you can (pray, fast, etc.) to mitigate the coming calamity at least.

Recorded prophecy

(Note: you will have to turn up the volume)

Another related recording


What an excellent post.

Thank you. I am aware this will no be very popular article but my intention is not to write popular article here but rather to have people informed and get prepared.

Interesting post

The government doesn't decide who is and isnt married.
I'm not male because my birth certificate says so.
I'm not married because my marriage certificate says so.
I'm male because I have a Y chromosome and I'm married because I looked her in the eye and said, "I do".

It might be true from your perspective but from perspective of state and all agencies, the only thing that matters is what is written on the particular certificates.

Then they're wrong :)

Next they'll redefine gender and instate laws against using 'improper pronouns'.

Its an interesting post, although I get the understanding that you feel the government has failed the people. In particular you make reference to the children and bringing of gods judgment.

Without coming across too critical, how do you feel about the separation of state and religion? It wasn't too long ago that they were one and the same. Please don't take this as an attack, I simply wanted to open a friendly discussion. I 110% respect your views.

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