The great confiscation is upon us.

in #australia3 years ago


I was directed to an article published in Zero Hedge which details how the states of Australia are stealing their citizens’ money. Australians in Queensland and Victoria states have been locked down for extensive times on a random, rotating schedule very much like the systematic physical and psychological torture programs of the CIA which came to light gradually beginning in the G W Bush presidency. Ordinary innocent citizens who only want to work and earn to support themselves and their spouses and children in Australia have been subjected to every kind of torture that only prisoners of war used to endure, except for the extremes of physical agony. This broadly applied torture is heavily weighted toward mental torture but even physical torture of sorts is ramping up, for instance deprivation of food is starting to be introduced. Having your bank account stolen without notice or appeal sounds like an extreme threat to me. No Jab No Job = No money, no food, no rent, no home, no life.

Australians are seeing it all: confinement, threats, discomfort, constant surveillance, humiliation, even nakedness in a sense. Try leaving your place without your keys and wallet and find out how naked and helpless you feel.

Confinement? It’s called lockdown, a phrase that until two years ago referred exclusively to prisoners in a maximum security prison. Australians now are permitted to leave their cells (apartments), and only one resident at a time, for a maximum of an hour a day and they dare not go over five kilometres, three miles, away from their residence for fear that the police will swoop down on them in a gang of three or four on the public street and issue a fine against which there is no legal appeal. If this fine is not payed the State will steal your bank account and/or your wages in Australia.

That’s if you are permitted to work. You can work if you work at computer screens performing jobs best described as bullshit jobs because the world of real people does not need these jobs; only other people who stare at screens participate in this virtual world, people like me right now.

Of course, I’m not being paid for my work that I’m doing right now, writing this little screed. I’m part of a growing population of people confined to computer screens because I’ve been locked out of my job and now I’ve been locked out of my last social outlet because I refuse to be injected with an unknown substance in order to get a permission slip called a “Proof of Vaccination”. The Government (Blessings and Peace be Upon our Holy Government, Amen) says I need that temporary permission, preferably in a QR code on my Smart Phone, to attend any public gathering, any restaurant, any theatre – including buying a ticket to an event at the concert hall. I could end the silence and coldness by participating in the “Vaccine Mandate” system. It’s just that the thought of doing that gags me. Becoming some sort of a tiny little dictator enforcing the same system that I refuse to submit to? It turns my stomach.

I’m a stubborn old man. I still hope in the law. The law of Canada says I have the absolute right to refuse to undergo any kind of medical procedure if I don’t want it. I don’t need to give any excuse for refusing any medical procedure. If I give my consent because I have been coerced in any way, by a threat to myself or another person, or because I have been ordered by some authority, that is not legally consent and therefore the procedure is classified as assault. That’s the law.

Somebody inserting an object into your body you do not want, that’s rape, isn’t it? This QR code, this “Proof of Vaccination”, what is it but my statement extracted by threat and the exercise of authority that I was raped and liked it and am ready for more anytime? I stubbornly cling to the hope that this Government of ours will somehow be made to stop breaking the law it is supposed to enforce, the law that’s right there in the Criminal Code of Canada and the Nuremberg Code Canada signed on to.

Hope. It’s a kind of torture in itself. Those who are trained to resist torture are trained to give up hope entirely and thus numb themselves to the threats and pain. I’m in hopes that my Government will not adopt the methods of Australia but I have no guarantee of that at all.

I’m in Canada not Australia so my confinement is not so severe. And I’m retired except for my part-time on call job which supplemented my pension money. I’m not a young worker at a real job, keeping the water lines and sewer lines and electric lines and trucking lines and distribution networks functioning. I don’t have a family depending on me to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. I just work for my virtual friends out there in the “Social Media” game. But whether in Australia or Canada people who keep the very fabric of civilized life in functional condition are now being screwed down extra tight.

Now people who work at construction or trucking or any physical job have a new threat to worry about. Our governments tell us they intend to make “proof of vaccination” a condition of being allowed on the job site. My colleagues haven’t yet been commanded to get the jab or lose their jobs even though the administration promised they would enforce No Jab No Job. So far.

But the threat is being put to workers here; longshoremen for instance, have protested against the plan to rope them into the Pass regime. There’s no guarantee that anyone can really trust that the government won’t do the full Australia on us too and steal our money for nothing – they are already levying fines for breaking the rules, so garnishing bank accounts and wages is the logical next step. To put it as baldly as it ought to be put, if the government breaks the law there is no law.

And if there is no law there is no nation. I’ll obey the law and consider myself a legitimate citizen within the law. But if the government breaks the law, punishing the law-abiding for breaking rules that the government can and does change on a whim, why am I continuing to obey the law which the government does not obey? There is only fear to compel me.

We haven’t yet realized that our governments have embarked on the mass psychological torture business. Most of us still hope normal, law abiding life will be restored. Most people I see around me are carrying smart phones so they can flash their QR codes and get privileges. They don’t realize how much they resemble lab animals who press levers in order to be rewarded with food. We could completely end this insanity right now today if only there were some way other than civilized society, now being broken down, to bind us to one purpose.

It would be simple. Dump your smart phone. Demand that manufacturers sell dumb phones that can’t track our every movement. But will most people do that? They are lining up outside cafes and bars to show their QR codes and they constantly sooth themselves with their smart phones. They have less personal autonomy than a lab rat.

Of course I can talk big. I’ve lost thousands of dollars already because I’m stubborn but I can still get by OK on my old age pension. I can still buy food without submitting. I still have a savings account, modest but mine. So far.

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