Some Random Online Auction Listings This Week

in #auction8 years ago

There is nothing like the totally random nature of being an online seller. I don't specialise, so I use Google a lot! My husband and I are also always trying new things, as the most bizarre things can be collectible.


This vintage life preserver is an example of something I've never listed before. It came out of a closed down pub, and I am curious to see how it does. It better do well, as my nemesis, Trevor, was bidding against me. We like the same stuff and I think we often chase up the price as both of us thinks the other knows what the other is doing, meanwhile we both don't have a clue.


This military Greatcoat is dated 1943. It is unbelievably heavy and scratchy. I think just wearing it would be exhausting. I was a little lazy to list it, so my cat used it as an occasional bed for a while.

Pipes are fantastically collectible.

Pens are another sure bet, especially fountain pens.



I've already got bids on both of these creepy dolls. Each to their own!


Venom! From Spiderman


From Warriors Of Virtue (never heard of them before!)

Pretty ceramic place markers.

Newspaper clipping tool!

Interesting resin ashtray, most likely 1970's.

A very old bone sewing tool.

Rifle cleaners.

This vintage Sony Video 8 movie camera came mint with ALL the accessories. It uses micro tape cassettes.


An old oil can, probably for a sewing machine.

Leather sporran.

And a Pegasus/Mobiloil map of Southern Rhodesia.

These were just a few of this weeks listings. I usually take photos in the morning before I go to the shop, and on weekends if there is too much stuff. Lately the has been a constant flow of "too much stuff". I list and research at work, but also on the weekends if we find something interesting, or possibly valuable. Fortunately I have an amazing packer, sometimes he has to package parcels for the entire day! My husband and I are both off to two separate auctions tomorrow!

Thank you for reading! Please follow me @onetree 


I think I love your job!

My husband and I went to 2 separate awesome auctions on Saturday. We'll both be working pretty full blast today (and the rest of the week/s...)

I'll start saving up and hopefully join you one day

You don't need much money to start. Attend auctions and buy only a couple of things. Research them and sell on bid or buy. Simple!

Take into consideration that I live in tzaneen, we dont really have great auktions here. Mostly agricultural.

Check the ads. Sometimes they list household goods. Especially if the owners are selling the farm.

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