Aaaaargh WORK - Cutting into my Steemit time! (+ Bonus auction photos)

in #auction8 years ago

I've been a little quiet over the last few days due to....the title says it all. I have a shop and October has been a very bad month, which means I have had to work twice as hard on my online sales. It helps that I have amazing listings, so really, the work has not been THAT bad.


(I did get this cool vintage globe.)

We have been blessed, ahem, here in South Africa with 35C+ temperatures for over a week now, and it is only Spring. My husband and I need to attend auctions double time for the next 6 weeks or so, to stock up, before they all close over the festive season. This means I have to attend more auctions as well. Saturday saw me on my way to a little town 75km away to attend an auction held in a school hall. As usual 90% of the stuff was junk, but I did get some cool stuff. 

I wanted to take a few scenic photos on my way there or back, as I find the scenery along that route very pretty. I didn't because of the unbelievable heat, approximately 39C and I have no aircon in my car. (They make us tough in SA!!!). It was also windy, dry and dusty, so the photos wouldn't do the scenery justice. Lastly, I was late. I'm always late! I got a speeding fine last week, so I didn't want to add to another to my collection. I took a few pictures at the school. I am heading that way again next Saturday, hoping for better weather, better stuff...and better time management!

Some candid auction photos:












I will share some of our amazing finds as soon as time permits. My husband bought heaps of stuff (as usual).

Thank you for reading! Please follow me @onetree 


Do not quit your day job. Steem is still an experiment. Balance between one and the other is important. Very few could be supported by the platform and that number has shrunk considerably.

I agree completely! It's weird when you think about all the things we actually have to balance though, just to get by!

You gotta stop that work stuff.

So true :p

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