Five Tips for Attraction Marketing

in #attraction6 years ago
  1. Be positive

Tell people what you have to offer; whether it's a growth system, a weight loss system, or whatever. Tell them what you have to offer.

Instead of: “Are you broke and struggling and unhappy with your life? I can help you make it better!” Say: “Do you dream of a life of abundance? If so, I have an amazing system that can help you achieve financial freedom, residual income, and the lifestyle of your dreams!”

Instead of: “Are you overweight and struggling with your health? I can help you be healthier!”

Say: “Do you dream of being healthy, fit, and strong, just in a few weeks? I can help my clients feel healthier by losing an average of 10 pounds.” Be specific. Be positive. If you talk about their struggle, you attract clients stuck in struggle. When you focus on what you can give them, you're going to bring in clients that are excited about the change, and what you can offer.

  1. Don't Make Them Wrong

Consumers, and society in general get so many messages about how we're doing it wrong. We don't want to hear how we're wrong. When you tell people how they're wrong, they don’t want to sign up. They don't want to deal with it. No one wants to be told that they’re wrong. By saying, “Your mindset is wrong,” or “you're eating too much,” or “you don't work out enough”, you turn them off, and they don't want to hear you. Even if you have the best program ever, they don't want to listen to your program, because you started off being condescending and knowing more than the person you are trying to sell to. You want to play into their strengths so they can hear your message.

  1. Tune in to Your Client

What do they want? Visualize your client. Often, we are (or we were) our ideal client. We've been where our ideal client is. Tap into what excites them; into their desire. What makes them light up? Be excited and take time to know who they are. If you don't know who they are, do a survey. Talk to your ideal client. Join Facebook groups that have your ideal clients in them and ask them for a survey. Maybe make a Google Form and ask some questions. Get some data.

Know your client and ask them what they want. Attraction marketing isn't about you. It's not about what you want. Ask them, and you'll be surprised, because what they want is probably not what you want, and if you're not asking them what they want, you're not actually serving them - you're serving your ego.

4: Share with Them Their Dream

This is about talking to them and getting to know their dream; sitting there and saying, “Do you dream of staying at home with your kids? Traveling the world? Spending your time focusing on hobbies? Running a marathon? Being the CEO of a company? Having the best romantic partner?” Whatever it is, share with them their dream in great specificity, because when you can talk to them and you can say, “Do you dream of this amazing reality, and this is what it looks like, and this is what it feels like”, they emotionally tap in, and align with you. Share with them their dream, and then you have the segway once you've hooked them. Whatever your offer, lead with their dream. Lead with your results of accomplishing their dream. Lead with results, and then talk about how you can help them get there.

  1. Focus on the Possibilities.

Your job is to inspire your clients to their greatness. You need to be able to hold on to the vision of their dream. Focus on the possibilities of the life they can create working with you. Let's look at the language of the law of attraction. We cannot envision “not” in the present moment. What does not being busy look like? What does not being stressed out look like? In all of the scenarios dreamed up here, many of them would be positive ones.

Focus on the possibilities, because your clients all struggle with this at first. They know where they don't want to be, but they don't know where they want to go. If you can see the possibilities ahead for them, help get them excited by talking to them.

In the marketing process, we're getting people out of their pain, out of their problems, and into the solutions. We're taking them on that journey, and if they feel like you're already taking them on that journey in the process of advertising, then what can you do for them when they actually start to pay you for your services? That's the key to attraction marketing: you're offering so much value, you're already helping them transform. The positive field you see is the starting point for them to see what to do. You ask what your dream client is to start feeling their future, and once they love you through your attraction marketing, they will want to come to you as a professional.

Hear me talk about this more:



Good job @mariahrossel ! Sincerely, congratulations ! ... Five tips very important and our life...

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