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RE: The Law Of Attraction: YOU are the magnet for what YOU have in your life NOW.

in #attraction7 years ago

@baah I don't understand why you flagged me...I did nothing wrong. While there are spammers, scammers, and criminals on here, you choose to flag me. I'm glad to see you spend an hour typing up a bullshit response on a teenager kids post because you are somehow pissed at the fact that I made a post about the law of attraction. If you have a problem, please leave, you don't have to go around doing things like that bro. I put in honest time trying to make a post and I learn and try to grow as much as possible, but you have to make things harder for me. I'm trying to get out of my current life situation, and you are just going against me for no apparent reason. Go flag a spammer or a scammer or someone bad...I did nothing. Do productive things with your time. Have a good day.


but you did attract that flag with your content

You attracted that, you, or did you not? I made an argument about the very flaw of your logic by performing an act that if you didn't own, it would render your case, your argument, moot and meaningless.

You can call my comment bullshit but it stands, if it's bullshit why don't you explain how and why, you calling it bullshit without a point by point rebuttal is bullshit.

I'm pissed? You're pissed.

I can do what I want, if that involves flagging to make an argument, I will.

Consider what I have done a service, a service to you and others, just as I consider what you done a service that brought about my "bullshit" response.

You bet your ass I'm going against Magical Thinking.

I will disregard your "orders" of what to flag, and will contest that you did something, you posted this bullshit, not me, you, and equally I will disregard your final bit of "advice", thank you.

I wonder whose magical thinking pre-ordered all this Virginia bullshit?? - I saw this intelligent vid and thought of you @baah!

I don't watch videos, I rarely, very rarely watch something that I cannot find in writing. But it does look interesting, is it a crew cut convention or something? I like the mustache, that is definitely interesting.

Sargon of Akkad is probably the most incisive political voice on youtube. I've been trying to convert him to Steemit for months!

You're arguing with a what a loser. Flag people who spam, not people who try to do something with their life.

Arguing and making an argument are different things, I am not quibbling, I am making an argument contrary to your position, not disagreeing with your opinions with opinionated drivel. You being a kid is not the point, hasn't been the point and it won't become the point.

Therefore I will disregard your advice once again, and continue to do as I wish, I will flag people that don't think they are responsible for their bullshit content and or to make an argument counter to their bullshit content/logic.

You're clearly mental and have a problem with picking fights with 14 year olds, so I rest my case. Don't bother to respond because I muted you anyways.. Some adult you are.

Again, you can make whatever claim you want because if you cannot substantiate it's meaningless.

So clearly mental, have a problem, and the insidious "some adult you are" are bullshit. If you don't respond or rebut this then it's considered undisputed.

All these flags are earned, you earned them 2x in my eyes as you keep making unsubstantiated claims on my character, so finally as is evident, regardless if you mute or didn't mute me, I will respond because you are in no position to direct me or what I am to do.

Interestingly one can arguably say you manifested all this based on your acts and solely on them, regardless of what you thought or how positive you kept here comes the negative and you prove how incapable you are at dealing with it, and arguably you are to blame for everything that happened so far, completely and solely you. You cannot argue that "You are the magnet for what you have in your life now" and then say "I'm just trying to get by". Well you can, but you'd have to abandon a position, which I capitulated your argument with, not just with a flag, but with a flag and comment explaining why I flagged. From that point on you had to either acknowledge for the manifestation you are responsible for, or deny that you're responsible for it and therefore disowning your own position you claimed in the post.

Cool. Now lets just end this little argument and call it a day.

What are you doing with your life? You are typing a books worth of arguments and wont stop..Arent your hands sore? Why are you obsessed with arguing? Are you a pedo obsessed with little kids so you wont stop talking to one? I heard your name before talking about how you were autistic or something from someones posts (i forgot who), so if thats the case, im not suprised at all. What kind of adult changes his username to "baah fuc you"? Real mature. They complain about my generation, clearly the older generations are pretty screwed as well. Now let this argument go. Theres nothing to gain.

Next time you start an arguement, don't take my statements out of context. I am talking about the laws of attraction, and the basic point I was getting at is the way you act brings certain outcomes, (positive or negative attitude leads to positive or negative outcomes) I dont know why the hell you are disagreeing with that, let alone flagging my shit. Gtfo

Next time you start an arguement, don't take my statements out of context.

Bullshit claim, care to back that up with substance?

I am talking about the laws of attraction, and the basic point I was getting at is the way you act brings certain outcomes, (positive or negative attitude leads to positive or negative outcomes)

So what, why are you telling me that, what does that have to do with "out of context"?

I can disagree with that, because the world evidences every single day cases where people act with impunity and immunity of the law, not just the law of attraction, and I broke it down POINT BY POINT, you calling it bullshit doesn't make it bullshit, and you still have yet to substantiate that claim or the unsubstantiated accusation that I took your statements out of context.

I demonstrated with my flag that your law is invalid, because the first thing you did was IGNORE my comment rebutting your law, and disowned the consequences of posting this post, which was flagging. What's so hard to understand, you're a hypocrite, when someone does something bad to someone, you claim its their own fault, then when someone does something bad to YOU you don't think you're to blame and blame me.

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