Do You Attract Or Repel Money? Are You Programmed To Attract Money In Your Life? Find Out Here….

in #attract6 years ago (edited)

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Do you constantly think or worry about money?
Does money seem to always slip away from your hand?
Do you think that even though you earn a lot of money but it never stays with you?
In the past, you might have had a lot of money but now you always seem to struggle to earn back that money?

Have you noticed that there are some people who earn money almost effortlessly? Money seems to get attracted to them. They are sort of like a money magnet. Opportunities present themselves for such people and they never run of it. While others work really hard and just get by. By the end of the month, they don’t seem to have enough left. Always just scrapping through and getting by. Well, what is happening here?

Think about this, two people who are born and bred in the same family. Out of these, one becomes super rich and another stays where he is. You could say not doing so well in terms of money.

At the end of this article, I will also share a technique to attract money in your life. Of course, this is just one of many techniques to attract money. In future articles, many techniques to programming your self for attracting money in your life will be discussed.

Here are a few reasons why you are not earning enough money. Without further ado, here we go.

Reason No. 1
Your Beliefs: This is probably the topmost reason for lack of money in your life. Think about it. For a few seconds just keep aside whatever it is that you are doing. This might be the best few minutes that you have invested in your self. I want you to think about your beliefs about money. What are your thoughts? Make a quick note of them.

Following are the list of some of the beliefs that people with a lack of money have?

  1. Money is the root of all evil.
  2. Money brings with it all the bad things and ruins everything.
  3. Money changes a person.
  4. Its better not to have more money that you need.
  5. People who have a lot of money are greedy.
  6. With all due respect, some religious beliefs might also hinder earning more money.
  7. My family have never been rich so I cannot be rich.
  8. This one of my favorite which we were taught in school...the rich become richer and the poor become poorer.
  9. He is rich because he is lucky.

Ofcourse these are a few beliefs that I can’t think of now. This list is not conclusive.

Do you have any of these beliefs? If you do then you are de-pgrammed for money. No matter how hard you try these beliefs will work against your favor. Although you have be working hard. You might come up with some excellent ideas and constantly keep working hard..struggling everywhere and money will still not come to you.

Reason No. 2:
Value: Directly or indirectly money does not fall at the top of your list of values. You might desire money from time to time depending on the situation, however, it does not fall at the list of priority in your value system. For might value family, fun, entertainment, friends, relationships above money. It’s not your priority. This happens subconsiously. Concsious awareness makes you think about these things whenever you feel the need for money and after a while ,, after you have comtemplated why you dont have money you go back to your old ways.

Reason No 3:
Giving up and accepting your fate.
This is one of the worst things that can happen to anyone. One might constantly keep trying to earn a lot of money and finally give up when everything fails.

Reason No. 4.
Stories In Childhoold/Childhood Conditioning: You might have been told stories about money when you were growing up that money is the root of all evil. Your up bringing itself was in such a that your subconscious mind is now programmed not to earn too much money. The moment you hit a threshold you stop.


A Techinque To Attract More Money: Contrastive Analysis Of The Mind:

I believe that programming yourself for money is a subconcious game. Let me explain.

Think about anyone whom you believe is rich. Close your eyes now and think about that person.
These questions mind sound weird. They are necessary though to analyze your thought patterns and once we change them you will start attracting money.

Have you done it? Now. Research show that we think in pictures. Think about your refrigerator. You went into your house for a minute right and you saw your refrigerator. Did’nt you? Okay. Now. In the same way when you thnk about the person whom you believe is rich you will see a picture of that person somewhere in your mental screen. Just like you saw your refrigerator a few seconds ago.

The next step is to analyze the quality of that image. Is it close? Does it have color? Is it panormic or framed? Is it a movie or a still frame? Notice all the qualities of that picture. The brightness, sharpness, is the person saying anything. According to your mind, this is the internal representation of your mind when it comes to a rich person.

Now I want you to think about yourself in the context of money. I want you to make your image the same way as the person whom your mind thinks is wealthy. If it has brightness, color, panoramic. Make it the same way. How close is it….make your picture close as well. You ought to make the qualities of your image like that of the weathly person’s image. This is called contrastive analysis technique.

The reason why we are doing this is because your mind has identified certain qualities of a rich person and has coded it in a certain way and if we bring in the same qualities to your image then we are programming it for success - for money. This might seem a little odd or weird. An average human being never actually think about this. Let’s do another experiement. Think about someone your love the most. I bet that the picture is close, bright, colorful perhaps a movie. Now think about someone who is irrelevant. Someone who you met the other day, someone who is not significant in your life. You will find that the image is far away, in black and white… a still frame so on and so forth. These are sighs to your brain that this peron is irrelevant.

This is just a way to program your brain for money.

Another such techinque is, think about something that you get everyday. For example air/oxygen. Without a doubt your mind believes that you will keep getting it everyday, you have got it in the past and you will continue to get it. In the same way, we will program your brain for money with the same qualities as oxygen that way you will keep getting money continously.

Now think about you getting air eveyday, you will get an image in your brain. Close your eyes now and think about this image. Identify all the qualities that we discussed earlier. Have you identified them?

Now think about yourself and incoroperate all the qualities of that picture in your picture. If your picture is far away, bring it close.. put some color in it. Imagine that money is flowing towards your from everywhere just like air and it is continousyly coming towards you just like air. So we are programning your mind for money to continously receive money just as it recieves air.

Well, Steemians, this might seem like a new concept to everyone and I understand your point of view. I was surprised myself when I first learnt it and since I applied the techinques it things have never been the same. These might just be my opnion but it has worked for me and I would like to help you as well. What is the harm in trying. My only question to you is, if you are not earning enough money whatever you are doing is not working, what is the harm in trying this techinque. If it works it works ..if not will try something else.

I hope you have a wonderful future ahead. This are just my thoughts from my life experience. I hope you find it of some value.

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