Attitude Is Everything.

in #attitude6 years ago

We all face several challenges everyday of our lives. Some say a problem is a problem till we make it a problem. I wonder how true that is...


However, if you see all around you, everything that is going on in our lives is about facing situations with the right attitude. Some people can't go anywhere if they don't have a car, and others are just fine taking the bus to go anywhere.
Some people think their wealth is in money, and others think their wealth is their health and family. Whatever the situation is, we must take anything that comes to our lives with the right attitude.

Almost no one has much patience when it comes to people making a big deal about everything and having a lot of drama in their lives. We may be able to be as helpful as possible, but sooner or later your peace will run out. Like I said on my previous post, if it disturbs your peace, it is already too expensive for you.

Face your issues with the right attitude and find solutions instead of excuses. Many blessings to all!

"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow".
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, your're giving part of yourself".
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"

Stay blessed.


There is a saying about the attitude.
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” ~Winston Churchill,
how it make big difference?
If you are a person with the bad attitude,
No one will love you,
If you misbehave with others, people will start hating you.

but a positive attitude makes you think positive and let you do good things in life.

Your welcome sir!

Great article. I have one question on my mind:
Is it better to adopt yourself to the life and all the things happening g around you or just be yourself without changing ever and expect world to adopt to you ?
I mean i've had most stressful period of my life this year. Now when I want to move on I think is better to adopt in all situations you are or be yourself as best you can and expect world around you to recognise that ?
Or we should adopt to the surroundings and give the results they expect to have ....
I see inspiration from animal life. Animals usually adopt to survive.isn't that option best for the humans too ?

well, it is not that easy to tell. Animals are mainly surviving through instinct. We as humans are more logical and we tend to see our surroundings and change them if we want to. I think if you decide to adopt, you have to make sure that is what you really want. You never get different results if you keep doing the same over and over again. Change can be good most of the time, we are just afraid to face it because it is unknown to us. Follow your heart and feelings and do anything that will give you better results :)

Every problum have a solution but you can say problum born idea and idea make solution of problums . You should face all problums and hope positive with believe on your self

Positive attitude is the key for many possible solutions my friend, thank you.

You are right we lose our hope and make our self hopeless . There are two type of attitudes one is positive and one is negative . Positive make your self confident and you can success with your hard work and other thing is wrong and make yourself failled in your job.

great job my friend! Great comment

Yeah! Right, a positive attitude is better for you rather than negative attitude. We should always behave with a positive attitude to others.

You got it! Keeping a positive attitude is the key my friend. Keep it up :)

I completely agree with you, my friend, it is attitude that plays a decisive role in our life. The way we treat ourselves and the world around us and that will be the world in which we live, so that our life has changed for the better, we first of all have to change our attitude to these changes and the one who can do it will be at the top! Thank you @javybar

a good attitude growing up a good work. your attitude and its impact on your work performance, relationships and everyone around you. a good attitude may be happy make people's around you happy this is our only one life , we will not get anymore dear....friend @javybar thanks to sharing for your good thought..

Real change comes within my friend. All answers are inside of us. Ia appreciate your comment.

well said always been followed your inspirational quotes .... we all are in this world with the purpose to spread love and make virtual relations which connect us and support us emotionally, bad attitude only can make alone , miserable and unworthy so better is to change for good and be happy make people's around you happy this is our only one life , we will not get anymore @javybar

one love and one life my friend. It's all we have we should make the best of it. Just have a good intention for yourself and others in order to move forward. Thank you for the support :) Upvoted your last post

Buenos dias javybar, su post hoy es bastante explicativo , solo queda ejecutarlo , usted tiene razon , nuestra actitud frente a cualquier sircunstancia , es la clave para salir adelante , esta junto a la calma para reflexionar y tomar decisiones .
Actitud positiva siempre.
Feliz dia :)

Muchas Gracias. La verdad que en esta vida hay que tener muchas ganas de salir adelante en esta vida ya que todo se ve en muchas ocasiones imposible the hacer. Pero con una buena actitud, todo se arregla. Bendiciones :)

Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions.

Right attitude make you leader and wrong attitude make you zero . Positve attitude is your succsess and negative attitude is your failure . So be positve and right attitude and make happy success life .
Thanks Sir @JAVYBAR for your always right and positve attitude and give us always right motivation way .
Stay blessed and Steem on!

Wonderful quote my friend! The most important thing we can do, it is to do what we preach to others. attitude and actions is the way to show that. Many blessings my friend.,

I totaly agree with you my friend

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